Recent Articles by Tatiana Zanin

Illustrative image of the article Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Health Benefits & Recommended Amount

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Health Benefits & Recommended Amount

Updated in 03-26-2024

Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, is essential for promoting energy, tissue growth and wound healing. It is naturally found in a foods such as milk, eggs, soy and spinach but can also taken in the form of supplements. Learn more about the benefits of riboflavin, how much to take per day, and the symptoms of a deficiency.

Illustrative image of the article Foods That Are High in Potassium: Complete Food List & Daily Amount

Foods That Are High in Potassium: Complete Food List & Daily Amount

Updated in 03-25-2024

Foods that are high in potassium, such as beets, avocados, orange juice and bananas, can help prevent muscle weakness and muscle cramps during intense physical exercise. Excess intake, however, can increase blood pressure. Learn more about which foods are high in potassium.

Illustrative image of the article FODMAP Diet: How to Start and What to Eat & Avoid

FODMAP Diet: How to Start and What to Eat & Avoid

Updated in 03-22-2024

FODMAP ia a type of diet prescribed for people with IBS. The objective is to remove foods that intestinal symptoms due to poor absorption, like gas and indigestion. Learn about what food you should avoid and what food you can eat, and take a look at our 3-day meal plan.

Illustrative image of the article Rice Water: 10 Health Benefits + How to Make & Use

Rice Water: 10 Health Benefits + How to Make & Use

Updated in 03-11-2024

Rice water is an excellent home remedy that can be used to treat diarrhea at any age. It is able to restore normal intestinal flow and help to prevent dehydration from fluid losses. Learn about the other health benefits of rice water and how to make it at home.

Illustrative image of the article Diverticulitis Diet: Food to Eat & Avoid (with 3-Day Meal Plan)

Diverticulitis Diet: Food to Eat & Avoid (with 3-Day Meal Plan)

Updated in 03-07-2024

Adjusting your diet during a diverticulitis flare-up can help reduce many of your symptoms and discomfort. Learn what you can eat and what foods you should avoid, and check-out a 4-day diet plan that can help you get through a flare-up.

Illustrative image of the article Liver Detox 101: Food, Drinks, Teas & More (with Meal Plan)

Liver Detox 101: Food, Drinks, Teas & More (with Meal Plan)

Updated in 03-01-2024

To detox the liver, you should prioritize food like fruits, vegetables and tea (like green tea or artichoke tea). You should try to avoid processed foods, as well as food with high sugar and oil content. Learn about ways you can detox your liver and be sure to check-out our sample menu.

Illustrative image of the article What to Eat When You Have Diarrhea: 9 Best Foods (& Meal Plan)

What to Eat When You Have Diarrhea: 9 Best Foods (& Meal Plan)

Updated in 02-27-2024

When you have diarrhea, you should prioritize carbohydrates, like white bread and white brice, as well as lean meat, like chicken and fish, peeled fruit. These foods can reduce abdominal pain and manage diarrhea. Read more about what to eat, what to avoid and check-out a sample 3-day diarrhea diet .

Illustrative image of the article 10 Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding

10 Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding

Updated in 02-21-2024

When breastfeeding, some foods, like chocolate, garlic, or excessive alcohol and coffee should be avoided to prevent problems with milk production problems and the baby's health. Learn about which foods to avoid while breastfeeding.

Illustrative image of the article Tyrosine: Health Benefits, Food List & Supplements (How to Take)

Tyrosine: Health Benefits, Food List & Supplements (How to Take)

Updated in 02-21-2024

Tyrosine is an important amino acid for normal functioning of the body. It can be obtained from foods like cheese, fish and nuts, or through supplements, as prescribed by a doctor. Learn about what it is for, which foods contain tyrosine, and how to take it in supplement form.

Illustrative image of the article Top 16 Vitamin B12 Foods (& Recommended Daily Dose)

Top 16 Vitamin B12 Foods (& Recommended Daily Dose)

Updated in 02-20-2024

Food that is rich in vitamin B12 typically comes from animal-based sources, like fish, meat, eggs, cheese and milk. However, B12 can also be obtained from fortified plant-based food. Learn more about which foods contain most B12 and how much B12 you should consume per day, as well as who is at most risk for deficiency.

Illustrative image of the article What to Eat When You Have the Flu: 12 Foods & 3-Day Meal Plan

What to Eat When You Have the Flu: 12 Foods & 3-Day Meal Plan

Updated in 02-19-2024

Knowing what to eat when you have the flu can help you to feel better, as some foods can reduce your symptoms and boost immunity to help you fight the flu faster. Learn about the best foods to eat when you have the flu.

Illustrative image of the article Lemon: 10 Health Benefits, Nutritional Info & How to Use (plus Recipes)

Lemon: 10 Health Benefits, Nutritional Info & How to Use (plus Recipes)

Updated in 02-16-2024

O limão é um fruto muito versátil que tem diversos benefícios para a saúde, desde melhorar a imunidade até prevenir o aparecimento do câncer. Confira 9 benefícios do limão para a saúde e veja ainda algumas receitas para usar mais limão no d.

Illustrative image of the article 11 Pomegranate Health Benefits (Nutritional Info, Recipes & More)

11 Pomegranate Health Benefits (Nutritional Info, Recipes & More)

Updated in 02-15-2024

Pomegranate is a fruit that is rich in antioxidants that help to boost immunity and prevent or treat some diseases, like cancer, Alzheimer’s, tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Learn about the 11 health benefits that pomegranate can offer and how.

Illustrative image of the article What to Take For Indigestion (Teas, Juices & Medication)

What to Take For Indigestion (Teas, Juices & Medication)

Updated in 02-13-2024

Alguns remédios caseiros que combatem a má digestão são chá de boldo ou suco de laranja com couve. Veja mais exemplos do que tomar para aliviar a má digestão, e que remédios podem ser usados.

Illustrative image of the article Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Health Benefits, Foods & Daily Amount

Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Health Benefits, Foods & Daily Amount

Updated in 02-13-2024

Vitamin B3, or niacin, is a very important vitamin that helps regulate metabolism, participates in the production of hormones and maintains cell health. It is also a potent antioxidant. Learn about the health benefits of vitamin B3 and which foods contain it.