How to Stay Awake: 10 Tips (plus Supplement Suggestions)

To stay awake at work, when studying or after meals, a good tip is to consume natural stimulants like coffee, guarana and black chocolate. You can also take a 15-minute nap, exercise for 30 minutes or stay in an uncomfortable environment to stay awake and be more ready to perform activities of daily living. However, the best way to ensure you stay awake is to get sufficient sleep at night

Also recommended: 10 Top Teas for Sleep: Chamomile, Valerian & More

Ideally, you should sleep for 7 to 8 hours per night. However, this amount can vary - if you feel energized with 9 hours of sleep, then you should aim for that amount of time. Check-out our sleep calculator to determine when you should fall asleep and/or wake-up for an optimal night's sleep.

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Ways to stay awake

Some tips for staying awake including:

1. Consuming stimulants

To get rid of drowsiness, you could eat or drink stimulant food like:

  • Strong coffee
  • Powdered guarana
  • Açaí
  • Black chocolate
  • Ginger tea

These foods are stimulants and can improve your mood and increase heart rate, which can improve blood circulation and help you stay awake.

However, these foods should be consumed in moderation as they excessive use can lead to cardiac disease. They can also interfere with calcium absorption, which can affect your bones. 

Also recommended: 20 Foods that Give You More Energy & Get Rid of Fatigue

2. Take a 15 minute nap

Another good tip for those who are unable to get a good night's sleep is to take a quick nap. Naps can even be taken when traveling to work. Although naps are not as energizing as sleeping throughout the night, even a few minutes of rest can help to recharge some of your energy and help you improve your focus. 

Ideally, you should nap for 15 to 30 minutes. Going over this time can increase your risk for being even more sleepy, especially if you enter the REM phase of sleep, as it can make it more difficult for you to wake-up. 

People who work different shifts, like health care professionals, firefighters and security guards, are more at risk to experience sleepiness throughout the day. People with this type of lifestyle are advised to rest whenever they can. 

3. Exercising every 30 minutes

Another effective way to increase your energy is to be active every 30 minutes to stimulate blood circulation. Some good examples are to stretch (e.g. touch your fingers to your toes) or even perform some push-ups. Exercising can provide you with another 20 to 30 minutes of energy.

4. Moving to a less comfortable environment 

Sleepiness normally only appears when you are in a comfortable position or environment that is quiet and at a good temperature. Fighting against these factors is one way to stay awake. Some examples include playing music, opening a window and avoiding studying in your bed. 

5. Eating a healthy snack 

Eating small snacks while you are working or studying can help to keep you awake, especially if they are light snacks that can stimulate brain activity. Some examples include: 

  • 1 avocado with walnuts or oats  
  • 1 yogurt with granola
  • 1 avocado smoothie

These snacks are rich in antioxidants and good fats, which help with brain function. They can be a good complement to a stimulant food as mentioned above.

6. Breathing deeply 10 times

Deep breathing can increase can help to increase the amount of oxygen reaching the blood, which can help to combat excessive fatigue. You should breathe deeply through your nose, hold it for 2 seconds, and then exhale forcefully through your mouth. You can repeat this breathing exercise 10 times.

Another efficient breathing technique is as follows: 

  1. Press one nostril to close it with your index finger and breathe through the other nostril 
  2. Hold your breath and let go of the blocked nostril. Then press the opposite nostril and exhale.
  3. Repeat the process, alternating nostrils. 

7. Talking to another person

Talking for a few minutes with a work colleague or someone on the phone, ideally about an interesting or funny topic, can help to stimulate the brain and make you more alert.

8. Taking a cold shower

Taking a cold shower when you wake up helps you wake up faster, especially after going to bed later. It will help to distract your mind from fatigue, providing you with energy to carry out your activities more easily.

Also recommended: Cold Shower vs. Hot Shower: Health Benefits of Each Type

9. Going outside

If you are very sleepy at work, in a meeting or at another event, you should leave the room for a few minutes, and if possible, go outside, as this can allow a break in any monotony that is contributing to fatigue.

10. Listening to music

Listening to music can also help improve mood and energy during intense work and study days. Music can give you more energy and stimulate the mind to avoid feeling sleepy.

How to prevent day drowsiness 

The best way to prevent drowsiness during the day is to have good sleep habits. You should go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.  You should sleep for 7 to 9 hours, without exceeding this time, as sleeping too much can also make it more difficult to wake up.

Some tips to help you fall asleep and have a deep sleep throughout the night are: 

  • Avoid bright screens, like a computer or television screen at least 30 minutes before going to bed.
  • Sleep in a quiet and comfortable room. You can use ear-plugs if it is too noisy.
  • Wait 1 hour after eating before lying down to optimize digestion.
  • Avoid worrying too much before going to bed. Think instead about calm and serene thoughts. 

Some conditions can lead to day drowsiness, like insomnia, restless leg syndrome, obesity, sleep apnea, narcolepsy and sleepwalking. These conditions should be assessed by a doctor, as a good night's sleep is important for daily functioning and body recovery. 

Caffeine pills 

Caffeine in supplement form can help to boost energy, however excess caffeine can cause several side effects such as headache and increased heart rate, which may make it more difficult to sleep at night. Read more about caffeine pills and how to take them.

Natural supplements for fatigue

There are some natural supplements in capsule or powder form that can provide energy boosts and reduce fatigue. These include green tea, ginger, ginsengmaca root and Rhodiola rosea