14 Healthy Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Foods that help you to lose weight innately improve intestinal function, combat water retention, boost metabolism or burn calories. Some examples include watermelon, oatmeal and egg plant. 

These foods should be consumed on a daily basis and spread out throughout the day. You should combine these foods with regular physical activity and a diet that is low in sugar, sweets, fat, fried food and processed foods. Your should exercise at least 3 times per week for about 1 hour. 

It is important to highlight that you should consult a registered dietitian before starting any diet. A dietitian can outline a meal plan that meets your nutritional needs and goals, which may vary based on your age, weight, health history and activity level. 

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Weight loss foods 

Foods to incorporate into a weight loss diet include:

1. Pear

Pears have a high water content and 71% is made-up of insoluble fiber. This helps to keep you full and improve your intestinal function. The natural sugar in fruits can address your sugar cravings and will gradually increase sugar levels in the blood. Pears can help to reduce hunger and prevent you from eating sweets. 

How to consume: To lose weight, you should consume a pear about 20 minutes before eating your main meals. 

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an aromatic spice that has a thermogenic effect on the body. It can boost metabolism and contribute to fat loss. 

Cinnamon also helps to reduce sugar spikes and increase insulin sensitivity, which are both factors that contribute to weight loss. Other foods that also contain thermogenic properties include ginger, red peppers, coffee and hibiscus tea. 

How to consume: You can easily add cinnamon to many meals and snacks, like fruits, smoothies, juices, coffee, tea, cake and cookies. Learn more about the health benefits of cinnamon and other ways to use it. 

3. Eggplant

Eggplant is low-calorie fruit and contains just 24 calories per 100 g. It is also rich in fiber, which can be beneficial for intestinal function, cholesterol management and staying full.  

This food is also rich in water, vitamins and minerals that help to address fluid retention and bloating.

How to consume: It is possible to make eggplant water to sup throughout the day. You can also add eggplant to salads, and bake it like chips.

4. Whole grain rice

Whole grain rice differs from white rice because it is much higher in fiber. This helps to keep you full and decrease your serving sizes. Whole grain rice is also rich in B-complex vitamins, zinc, and selenium, all which improve blood circulation, concentration and memory.

How to consume: It is important to eat this food in moderation. Although it is a whole grain food, it can have the opposite affect if eaten in high quantities. To determine the right serving size for you, you should see a registered dietitian for a thorough assessment of your nutritional needs.

5. Oats

Oats are rich in soluble fiber and protein, which help to keep you full and regulate bowel movements. Eating oats also helps to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, which can help to keep hunger at bay. 

How to consume: Oats are a very versatile food, and can be prepared as oatmeal or added to cut-up fruit, smoothies, cakes and cookies. Read more about why oatmeal is good for you and how to prepare it. 

6. Wheat bran

Wheat bran is very rich in fiber - it contains 12.5 g of fiber for every 100 g. It is also low in calories and can be used to treat constipation, control blood sugar, and keep you full. 

How to consume: Wheat bran does not have a strong flavor, making it a great option to add to any meal.

7. Strawberries

Strawberries are low in calories and high in fiber, making it a great fruit for managing blood sugar levels and increasing satiety. Because it keeps you full, you may find yourself ingesting less calories in the day. It is also rich in vitamin C, folate and other phenolic compounds that provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. 

How to consume: This fruit can be eaten whole or added to smoothies and detox juices to boost metabolism. Check-out other detox juices you can prepare for weight loss. 

8. Green tea

Green tea contains thermogenic properties that boosts metabolism and promote fat burning. This tea is rich in caffeine, which is a stimulant that helps with fat loss during exercise. It is also rich in catechins, which are potent antioxidants that help to accelerate metabolism. 

How to consume: Green tea should be consumed as directed by a doctor or registered dietitian. To prepare it, add 1 tablespoon of green tea leaves to a cup of boiling water, and allow to soak for 10 minutes. 

9. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is an rich in antioxidants and omega-3, a type of healthy fat that helps to control cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation. These factors can both contribute to weight loss. It is also rich in fiber that improve digestion and keep you full. 

How to consume: You can add a tablespoon of ground flaxseed or flaxseed flour to cereal, salads, smoothies and yogurt. It can also be added to bread, tortilla and cake dough. 

10. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a great food for weight loss, because it is rich in fiber. It can control hunger throughout the day and reduce overall food intake.

Cauliflower is also rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps manage anxiety, which can also promote weight loss in those who binge eat.

How to consume: Cauliflower can be consumed raw or cooked, in preparations such as salads, gratins, pies, pizza bases and as a substitute for rice. The leaves and thicker stem of cauliflower can be used in stir-fries, soups and stews.

11. Konjac "potato"

Konjac "potato", or just konjac, is a good food that helps you lose weight, because it contains soluble fibers that form a type of gel in the stomach. This increases the time it takes to digest food, reducing hunger between meals.

Konjac is low in carbohydrates and calories, which is why it is often used in weight loss diets. However, to lose weight, konjac must be part of a healthy diet, associated with regular physical exercise.

How to consume: Konjac can be consumed in the form of noodles, known as shirataki, rice, flour or nutritional supplements in capsules.

12. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a legume with a low glycemic index. They are a source of vegetable protein and fiber, which can help you lose weight, as it prolongs the feeling of satiety and reduces hunger.

How to consume: Consuming 4 tablespoons of chickpeas per day is enough to obtain its benefits, especially when consumed together with brown rice, as this combination forms a high quality protein source.

13. Eggs

Eggs are rich in protein and can help to keep you full and reduce the desire to eat throughout the day.

Eggs do not contain carbohydrates and are a great option to include in a low carb diet.

Also recommended: How Many Eggs Can You Eat a Day? (& How to Make Them) tuasaude.com/en/how-many-eggs-can-you-eat-a-day

How to consume: You can eat up to 2 eggs a day, which can be boiled, scrambled or poached, and consumed on their own or added to salads or sandwiches. They can also be used as a base for preparing soufflés, stews, crepes or cakes.

14. Umbu

Umbu is a food that helps with weight loss as it is low in calories. It is rich in fiber that reduces hunger and over-eating.

How to consume: Umbu can be consumed daily in its natural form or added to prepare juices, ice creams, jellies and even sweets.