How Many Eggs Can You Eat a Day? (& How to Make Them)

You can eat eggs every day without any harmful side effects. Eggs are associated with several health benefits, such as promoting muscle mass gain, promoting weight loss, strengthening the immune system and maintaining skin health.

Because egg yolks contain high amounts of cholesterol, it was thought that eating eggs can lead to increased cholesterol levels in the blood. However many studies [1],[2]  have shown that the cholesterol that is naturally present in food is not likely to increase blood cholesterol levels in healthy people.

Also recommended: Cholesterol: LDL, HDL VLDL & Total Cholesterol Levels

If you are consuming eggs on a daily basis, you should prepare them in the healthiest way possible. You can boil them in water, make an omelet or poach them. You should avoid using additional fats, like oil or butter, to prepare eggs.

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How many eggs can I eat a day?

The American Heart Association recommends consuming up to 2 eggs per day to obtain all benefits they have to offer.

People who have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol, also known as familial hypercholesterolemia, should reduce their intake to 1 egg per day. Excessive egg consumption in this population can increase the risk for higher cholesterol levels in the blood. Learn more about the symptoms of high cholesterol your should not ignore.

Can you eat more than 10 eggs a day?

Consuming 10 eggs per day is not recommended. Eggs are very high in protein, which is a nutrient that can impair kidney function and increased the risk for kidney stones if overly consumed.

Eating 10 or more eggs per day is also not recommended because a healthy diet should be varied and diverse. It should be made-up of different types of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, other protein sources and dairy products.

Also recommended: Egg Diet: Description, Foods Allowed & 3-Day Meal Plan

Furthermore, excessive egg consumption can also lead to weight gain, as eggs are nutrient dense and contain a moderate amount of calories. Read more about egg nutrition facts.

How to make eggs

Some healthy ways to prepare eggs and obtain all of its health benefits include:

1. Boiled

A healthy, easy and practical way to prepare eggs is to boil them. Simply place the egg in a pot, cover it completely with water, and place over medium heat to cook for 10 minutes.

2. Poached

To make the poached egg, boil a pot of water. When the first bubbles appear, stir the water quickly with a spoon or whisk, to make a whirlpool.

Once a whirlpool forms, carefully break the egg and place it inside, and cook the egg for about 7 minutes, while continuously stirring. Then, remove the egg from the water with a slotted spoon.

3. Fried in water

Heat half a cup of water in a frying pan over low heat. Then add the egg carefully and cover the pan, letting it cook for 3 to 4 minutes.

4. Egg white omelet

An egg white omelet is a great option for those who should reduce egg yolk consumption.


  • 3 egg whites
  • 1 tablespoon of water or milk
  • 1 cup of vegetables, chopped thinly (tomato, spinach, carrot)
  • Salt and black pepper to taste


Mix the egg whites, water and seasonings in a bowl. Place this mixture in a preheated non-stick frying pan and cook for 2 minutes. Add the vegetables, letting them cook for another 3 minutes.

Do raw eggs cause intestinal infections?

Raw or undercooked eggs may contain Salmonella sp., a bacteria that causes intestinal infections. A salmonella infection can lead to symptoms like a fever, stomach pain, vomiting and severe diarrhea. Read more about the symptoms of salmonella and how it is treated.

Therefore, you are advised to avoid consuming under-cooked eggs and products made with raw eggs, such as mousses, mayonnaise, dessert toppings and cake fillings.

How to know if eggs are okay to eat

One way to know if the egg is still good to eat is to place the whole egg in a glass of water. If the egg floats, there is likely air inside, which is a sign that it is old and spoiled. You should not eat an egg that floats in water. If the egg sinks halfway down the glass or sits at the bottom, it is typically safe to eat.

When purchasing an egg, be sure to observe the quality of the shell. It should be smooth, clean and free of cracks. When preparing the egg, the egg white should be thick and viscous and the yolk should be firm and centralized.

Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator and preferably deeply inside. Storing eggs on the refrigerator door is not advised as open and closing the door can lead to temperature variations, which can spoil the eggs.