Is Oatmeal Good For You? 8 Health Benefits (& Recipes)

Oatmeal is made up of oats, which is a grain that is rich in avenanthramide. This substance is a phenolic compound with antioxidant action. It fights free radicals that can build-up in the body and help to prevent the emergence of diseases like diabetes, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. 

In addition, oats are rich in fiber that add bulk to the stool and help with natural intestinal flow. This fiber can also help to keep you fuller for longer, prevent constipation and promote weight loss. 

Oats can be purchased as flakes to make oatmeal, as well as flour to be used in different recipes. It is very versatile and can be added to fruits, yogurt, and cookie or cake recipes. 

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Oatmeal benefits

Oatmeal contains anti-inflammatories and antioxidants, as well as properties that keep you full. Therefore, its health benefits include:  

1. Reducing LDL 

Oatmeal is rich in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that can decrease fat absorption in the intestines. This effect can reduce "bad" cholesterol, or LDL, which can prevent the emergence of cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, heart failure or a heart attack. 

2. Controlling blood sugar levels 

Because it is rich in fiber, oatmeal can reduce the rate at which sugar is absorbed in the body. This can help to manage blood sugar levels and help to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes.

In addition, oatmeal also contains avenanthramide, which is a bioactive compound with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. This substance can optimize insulin functioning and help to control sugar spikes in those with a history of diabetes. 

3. Promoting weight loss

Oatmeal can promote weight loss because of its high quantity of fiber. A fiber-rich diet can help to keep you fuller for longer, which can reduce overall food intake. 

4. Strengthening the immune system 

Oatmeal is rich in zinc, which a potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory substance. It contributes to the development and maintenance of immune system cells, and is important for wound healing and viral infection recovery. 

Oats are also an excellent source of vitamin B1, which strengthens the immune system and helps to prevent colds, the flu and other infections. 

5. Maintaining optimal intestinal functioning 

Oatmeal helps to maintain optimal intestinal functioning due to the great quantities of insoluble fibers found in it. This type of fiber stimulates natural intestinal contractions and promotes the efficient elimination of stool, which can both contribute to the prevention of constipation. 

The fibers in oats are also beneficial for the natural bacteria found in the gut. Oats can promote a natural balance of bacteria and improve diarrhea and IBS flare-ups. Learn about other foods with high fiber content and how to incorporate them into your diet. 

6. Controlling blood pressure 

Oatmeal is a great source of avananthramide, which is an antioxidant that increased nitric oxide in the body. This substance relaxes blood vessels, which improves blood circulation and helps to manage blood pressure. 

7. Improving mood and sleep quality 

Oatmeal is rich in magnesium, a mineral that is important for the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmittor that helps to boost happiness and improve mood. 

It also contains great quantities of tryptophan, which is an amino acid that is also essential for the production of serotonin and melatonin. These compounds help to regulate mood and sleep cycles, and can prevent the development of depression, anxiety and insomnia. 

8. Strengthening the bones

Because it is rich in phosphorus and magnesium (which are minerals that are important for the formation of bones), oatmeal can help to prevent conditions like osteoporosis or bone fractures. 

Nutritional information 

The following table outlines the informational information for 100 g (about 7 tablespoons) of different forms of oats:


100 g of oat flakes

100 g of oat flour

100 g of oat bran


366 calories

363 calories

246 calories


13.5 g

14.5 g

17.3 g


61.7 g

57 g

66.2 g


5.8 g

7.3 g

7 g


6.7 g

5.7 g

15.4 g

Vitamin B1

0.3 mg

0.3 mg

1.2 mb


120 mg

130 mg

235 mg


5.4 mg

4.5 mg

3.1 mg


220 mg

430 mg

734 mg


3,1 mg

3,1 mg

0,4 mg

To obtain the benefits that oats have to offer, you should incorporate it into a healthy, balanced diet and engage in regular physical activity.

How to incorporate it

Oats do not contain gluten, therefore they can be used in almost all diets. People with celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity should still check labels, however, to ensure that the product does not have any gluten ingredients. 

The recommended daily serving of oatmeal is 2 tablespoons per day. This can be added to fruits, smoothies, yogurts and different recipes, like cookies, soup, broths, tarts, cakes, bread and pasta. 

Healthy oatmeal recipe 

Check out our easy oatmeal recipe below that you can make for breakfast or eat as a snack: 


  • 2 tablespoons of oats 
  • 1 cup of milk or plant-based alternative 
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • Cinnamon, to taste 
  • Fruit, like bananas, blueberries, apples (optional)

How to prepare:

Pour the oats and milk into a pot and mix. Place the pot on low heat and keep stirring until it starts to thicken. Once the oats are soft, remove from heat and add honey. Mix well and transfer to a serving bowl. You can sprinkle cinnamon on top and add fruit to further sweeten your oatmeal 

Other oat recipes 

Other ways to enjoy oats at home include: 

1. Gluten-free oat bread 


  • 2 cups of oat flour 
  • 1 cup of tapioca flour
  • 7 g of salt 
  • 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed 
  • 1 tablespoon of dried yeast 
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 cup of warm water

How to prepare:

In a large bowl, add all the dry ingredients and mix well. Then add honey and olive oil and mix until well-combined. Then slowly pour in the warm water and gently mix. Cover with a dish cloth and allow the mixture to rest for 10 minutes. If you notice the dough has dried out, you can add a little bit more water, making sure to achieve a homogenous dough. 

Transfer the dough to a greased pan. Cover it again with a dish cloth and preheat the oven to 180 ºC. Once the oven is ready, bake the dough for 30 to 40 minutes. Once cooked, allow to cool and serve. 

2. Banana bread with oats


  • 2 cups of oats
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ cup of olive oil or coconut oil
  • 4 ripe bananas, chopped 
  • 2 tablespoons of baking powder 
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

How to prepare:

Add the bananas, eggs, bananas, and oil to a blender and mix until well-combined. Then transfer to a bowl and add the oats and baking powder, making sure to mix these gently. 

Transfer the dough to a greased pan and place in an oven, preheated to 180ºC. Bake for 30 minutes, or until the bread is well-formed. Remove from the pan and sprinkle with cinnamon before serving.