What do you need to know?

Illustrative image of the article Natural Laxatives: 11 Fruits That Work Fast

Natural Laxatives: 11 Fruits That Work Fast

Some fruits, such as papaya, orange or plums are great natural laxatives that can help you get rid of constipation. See other great options you can add to your diet to get rid of constipation faster.

Illustrative image of the article Super Gonorrhea: Symptoms & How It's Treated

Super Gonorrhea: Symptoms & How It's Treated

Super gonorrhea is an STI in which the bacteria that causes gonorrhea becomes resistant to antibiotics that are typically used to treat this infection. This can make treatment difficult and lead to further complications. Learn more about the symptoms of super gonorrhea and the treatment options avai

Illustrative image of the article How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week: Exercises & Nutrition Tips

How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week: Exercises & Nutrition Tips

To lose belly fat in one week, it is important to stay active and adhere to a healthy diet that is low in calories, fats, and sugar. The right food will promote fat burning and reduce water retention and bloating that can contribute to a rounded belly. Learn the best exercises and diet tips to lose

Illustrative image of the article Implantation Symptoms: Top 5 Signs That Occur Before Pregnancy

Implantation Symptoms: Top 5 Signs That Occur Before Pregnancy

Implantation symptoms like abdominal pain and pinkish discharge can be seen when the fertilized egg attaches to the woman's uterine wall. It is common for these symptoms to be very discreet and not noticed by the woman. Learn about the most.

Illustrative image of the article Candida Diet: What to Eat & Avoid During a Yeast Infection

Candida Diet: What to Eat & Avoid During a Yeast Infection

Foods like natural yogurt, parsley, oregano and propolis can be great options for treating a yeast infections. Foods like sugars, sweets, and processed meat can worsen an infection. Learn what to eat and avoid when treating a yeast infection, and check-out our suggested 3-day meal plan.

Illustrative image of the article Blood Types: Compatibility Chart, Rh Factor & Donating

Blood Types: Compatibility Chart, Rh Factor & Donating

The blood types that exist in humans are A, B, AB and O. Not all blood types are compatible with each other, however, and therefore it's important to know who can donate to whom. Receiving the wrong blood type can lead to life-threatening c.

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Throat Ulcers: 7 Causes, Treatment & When to Worry


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