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Illustrative image of the article Pain Under Left Rib Cage: 12 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Pain Under Left Rib Cage: 12 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Updated in 04-29-2024

Pain under the left rib cage is commonly caused by pancreatitis, kidney stones, or stomach inflammation. It can be treated with diet changes or with medications like anti-inflammatories or antibiotics. Learn about other reasons for pain felt under the left rib and what to do to treat it.

Illustrative image of the article Hypothyroidism Diet: What to Eat & Avoid (& 3-Day Meal Plan)

Hypothyroidism Diet: What to Eat & Avoid (& 3-Day Meal Plan)

Updated in 04-29-2024

A hypothyroidism diet includes food like Brazil nuts, oranges and eggs, which are foods that contain nutrients that are important for optimal thyroid functioning. Learn more about the food to eat with hypothyroidism and food to avoid or red.

Illustrative image of the article Prednisone: Uses, How to Take, Dosage, & Side Effects

Prednisone: Uses, How to Take, Dosage, & Side Effects

Updated in 04-29-2024

Prednisone is a corticosteroid used to treat inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatism, arthritis, osteoarthritis, allergies and even cancer. Learn more about what prednisone is used for, how to take it, the recommended dosage and the most common side effects associated with use (including if it causes weight gain).

Illustrative image of the article Piriformis Syndrome: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Piriformis Syndrome: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Updated in 04-29-2024

Piriformis syndrome is a rare condition which is characterized by the sciatic nerve abnormally passing through the fibers of the piriformis muscle, causing pain in the buttock, lower back and side of the leg. Learn about what tests are used to confirm piriformis syndrome, common symptoms and treatment options available.

Illustrative image of the article Belladonna: Uses, How to Take, Side Effects & Contraindications

Belladonna: Uses, How to Take, Side Effects & Contraindications

Updated in 04-29-2024

Belladonna is an extremely toxic plant that can be used in the preparation of some natural remedies. It can be recommended for intestinal, renal or biliary colic, but should only be used with medical advice. See what belladonna is for, how to use it and possible side effects associated with use.

Illustrative image of the article Heavy Periods: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes & Treamtent

Heavy Periods: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes & Treamtent

Updated in 04-24-2024

Heavy periods are used to describe excessive menstrual bleeding that lasts for more than seven days, bleeding with several clots, or bleeding that requires a tampon or pad change more than every two hours. Learn more about what causes heavy periods, related symptoms and how they are treated.

Illustrative image of the article Anterior vs Posterior Placenta: When Movements Are Felt

Anterior vs Posterior Placenta: When Movements Are Felt

Updated in 04-24-2024

An anterior placenta or posterior placenta are medical terms that refer to the location in the uterus where the placenta has attached. Understand how each location influences pregnancy and what the possible risks are.

Illustrative image of the article NG Tube: Insertion, How to Feed & Give Medication (Step-by-Step)

NG Tube: Insertion, How to Feed & Give Medication (Step-by-Step)

Updated in 04-24-2024

An NG tube, or nasogastric tube, is a thin, flexible tube that is inserted into the nose and to be placed in the stomach. Learn about the uses of NG tube, and about the insertion procedure and how to feed or administer meds using our step-by-step guide.

Illustrative image of the article Couscous: Health Benefits, Nutrition, How to Consume & Recipes

Couscous: Health Benefits, Nutrition, How to Consume & Recipes

Updated in 04-23-2024

Couscous is a dish made with corn flour that is high in fiber and carbohydrates. It can help to combat constipation and promote muscle gains. Learn about all the health benefits of couscous and how to eat it, using your delicious Brazilian-style recipes.

Illustrative image of the article Immunoglobulin A (IgA): What It's For (& What High or Low Levels Mean)

Immunoglobulin A (IgA): What It's For (& What High or Low Levels Mean)

Updated in 04-23-2024

Immunoglobulin A, or IgA, is a protein that can be found in the body, mainly in the mucous membranes. Its main function is to protect the body against infections. Learn more what IgA is for, what normal IgA levels are, and what high IgA or low IgA levels mean.

Illustrative image of the article Dill: 9 Health Benefits, Nutritional Info, How to Consume & Recipes

Dill: 9 Health Benefits, Nutritional Info, How to Consume & Recipes

Updated in 04-23-2024

Dill is an aromatic herb that can be used as a medicinal plant, as it contains many properties that offer various health benefits, like treating coughs, nausea and pain. Check out the health benefits of dill, how to consume it and how to make dill tea.

Illustrative image of the article Ferrous Sulfate: Uses, How to Take, Dosage & Side Effects

Ferrous Sulfate: Uses, How to Take, Dosage & Side Effects

Updated in 04-23-2024

Ferrous sulfate is a supplement indicated to prevent or treat iron deficiency anemia, which is a type of anemia caused by low iron intake in the diet, or increased iron needs, like during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Learn more about what ferrous sulfate is for, how to take it, the recommended doses and side effects.

Illustrative image of the article Eczema: Symptoms, Causes, 9 Types & Treatment

Eczema: Symptoms, Causes, 9 Types & Treatment

Updated in 04-22-2024

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin that can symptom like skin redness, swelling itching, and peeling. Treatment typically involves the use of with prescription medication like antihistamines or corticosteroids. Learn more about the common symptoms, what causes it and how it is treated .

Illustrative image of the article Encopresis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Encopresis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Updated in 04-22-2024

A encoprese é o vazamento de fezes na roupa interior da criança que, na maioria das vezes, acontece de forma involuntária e sem que a criança perceba, especialmente após os 4 anos de idade. Entenda melhor o que é encoprese, suas causas, diagnóstico e tratamento.

Illustrative image of the article Are Figs Good For You: 9 Health Benefits, Nutrition & Recipes

Are Figs Good For You: 9 Health Benefits, Nutrition & Recipes

Updated in 04-22-2024

Fig are good for you as they are rich in fiber that can keep you full, combat constipation and help to lower cholesterol levels. They are also rich in antioxidants, which fight free radicals and prevent premature aging and some forms of cancer. Check out the other heal benefits of figs and see our healthy recipes.

Illustrative image of the article Constant Nausea: 14 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Constant Nausea: 14 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Updated in 04-19-2024

Constant nausea is a symptom that is characterized by the persistent need to vomit. It can occur for many reasons, like pregnancy, medications or as a side-effect of chemotherapy. Learn about the common causes of constant nausea, what to do to treat it, and when to see a doctor.

Illustrative image of the article Hernia: Symptoms, Types, Causes & Treatment

Hernia: Symptoms, Types, Causes & Treatment

Updated in 04-19-2024

A hernia is a bulge that occurs when an internal organ that protrudes through body tissue. It can happen in many locations of the body, such as the bellybutton, abdomen, thigh, groin or spine. Learn more about the different types of hernias, common symptoms and the treatment options available.

Illustrative image of the article Memory Loss: 9 Causes (& How to Treat)

Memory Loss: 9 Causes (& How to Treat)

Updated in 04-19-2024

Memory loss is most often associated with anxiety, but it can also be caused by various conditions such as depression, sleep disorders or medication use. Check out the most common causes of memory loss and how it can be treated.

Illustrative image of the article How to Make a Tincture: 10 Easy Steps (and Benefits & How to Use)

How to Make a Tincture: 10 Easy Steps (and Benefits & How to Use)

Updated in 04-19-2024

Tinctures are concentrated extracts prepared with alcohol and the bark, leaves, flowers or roots of medicinal plants. They are indicated to help treat conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, indigestion, bloating and constipation. See how to make a tincture with our step-by-step guide.

Illustrative image of the article Goldenberries: 12 Health Benefits, Nutritional Info & Recipes

Goldenberries: 12 Health Benefits, Nutritional Info & Recipes

Updated in 04-19-2024

Goldenberries are a small yellow fruit rich in fiber, vitamin C and flavonoids. They can promote weight loss, combat constipation, and help prevent diseases like diabetes, anemia and heart attacks. Check out all the health benefits of physalis, how to eat them, and how they can be used in healthy recipes.