Couscous: Health Benefits, Nutrition, How to Consume & Recipes

Couscous is a dish made with corn flour that is high in fiber and nutrients that stimulate. bowel movements. It a great food to consume for the treatment of constipation.

Couscous can also promote helps with muscle gains, as it is high in carbohydrates and nutrients that provide energy in the form of calories. These can help to increase physical stamina and disposition.

Couscous has a mild flavor and can be steamed or microwaved, or prepared with milk, butter or corned beef. They can be made in the oven or cooked in a pot, with fish, eggs and vegetables.

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Health benefits

The main health benefits of couscous are:

1. Promoting muscle gains

Because it is high in carbohydrates training and promoting muscle mass gain. See ARTICLE MAPPED FOR EN: other foods that promote muscle mass gain.

2. Combating constipation

Couscous are high in fiber, which can stimulate natural bowel movements and add bulk to the stool. This can facilitate evacuation and play a role in combating constipation.

Also recommended: 35 High Fiber Foods: Food List, Health Benefits & Recommendations

3. Maintaining eye health

Couscous help to maintain eye health as they contain vitamin A, a nutrient that is essential to prevent xerophthalmia. This is a disease caused by vitamin A deficiency and which can cause dry eyes and difficulty seeing in the dark.

4. Promoting weight loss

Because it contains fiber, couscous can help to increase the digestion of food. This can keep you fuller for longer and reduce hunger and overeating that can contribute to weight gain. 

5. Reducing LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels

The fibers present in couscous reduce fat absorption in the gut, and inhibit cholesterol production in the liver. This can reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the blood.

Can couscous cause weight gain?

When consumed in moderation and included in healthy preparations with vegetables, eggs or fish, for example, couscous does not lead to weight gain.

However, when consumed in excess or as a part of high-calorie preparations containing bacon, sugar, fatty cheeses and coconut milk, for example, couscous can cause weight gain.

Can diabetics eat couscous?

Diabetics can eat couscous, as the fiber naturally found in this food can help reduce how quickly carbohydrates are absorbed from food. However, to avoid a spike in blood glucose levels, it is recommended to always eat couscous together with other high  protein foods.

The recommended amount of couscous for diabetics varies depending on each person's activity level and general health status. Therefore, you are advised to consult a registered dietitian to assess your lifestyle and recommend a meal plan that is most suited for you.

Nutritional information

The following table outlines the nutritional information in 100 g of cooked couscous:


100 g de cooked couscous


113 calories


2.2 g


0.7 g


25.3 g


2.1 g


23 mg

Vitamin A

9.22 mcg

To obtain all the health benefits that couscous have to offer, it is also essential to maintain a balanced and healthy diet and to exercise daily.

How to make

Couscous can be made by steaming, in the microwave, in the oven or in a pan. This dish can be consumed with milk, butter, eggs, fish, eggs, vegetables or sun-dried meat, for example.

Healthy couscous recipes

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Check-out these nutritious Brazilian couscous dishes that pack a flavor punch:

1. Couscous from São Paulo


  • ⅓ cup of olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • ½ chopped red pepper
  • 1 can of drained peas
  • 1 can of drained corn
  • ½ cup chopped green olives
  • 2 cans of sardines or tuna;
  • 1 cup of homemade tomato sauce;
  • 3 cups of couscous
  • 3 boiled eggs cut into slice
  • 2 small tomatoes cut into slices
  • 1 and ½ cup of water
  • Green chili, salt and pepper to taste


In a pot, sauté the onion in olive oil for 3 minutes over medium heat. Add the pepper, peas, corn and olives and sauté for 2 minutes. Add the tomato sauce, green chilli, sardines or tuna, and water and bring to a boil.

After boiling, add the couscous and stir constantly. Add the salt and pepper and stir for another 5 minutes. Grease a mold with olive oil, distribute the sliced tomatoes and eggs and pour in the couscous dough. Wait 10 minutes, unmold and serve.

2. Northeastern couscous


  • 2 cups of couscous
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 1 cup of filtered or boiled water
  • Butter to taste


Place the couscous and salt in a bowl. Add, little by little, the water, stirring well with a spoon to moisten the couscous. Leave to hydrate for 10 minutes.

Fill the bottom of a couscous dish with water and pour the hydrated couscous in the, without pressing it. Bring to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat and cook for 10 minutes, until the couscous is very soft. Turn off the heat and carefully transfer the couscous to a bowl and serve with the butter.