Weight Loss Diet: Best Foods to Eat, Avoid & Meal Plan

To lose weight in a healthy manner that lasts, you should decrease your calorie intake and prioritize foods that are rich in fiber, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These foods help to keep you full and decrease your food cravings, which can lead to weight loss.

In addition, you should exercise on a regular basis to boost metabolism and help with fat burning. However, it is important to keep in mind that weight loss will vary according to your starting weight, age, and average caloric expenditure.

To facilitate your weight loss journey, you should consult a registered dietitian, who will evaluate your current body composition and incorporate your nutritional necessities and health goals into your meal plan. 

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What to eat to lose weight

To lose weight in a healthy manner, it is important to prioritize foods that are low in fat and calories, and high in fiber. Some examples include: 

  • Low calorie fruits, like strawberries, tangerines, kiwis, pears, apples, melons, plums, watermelon, orange and pineapple 
  • Vegetables, like squash, cucumber, lettuce, tomato, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower 
  • Whole grains, like whole grain rice, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread and oats 
  • Lean protein, like chicken ,fish, seafood, eggs and tofu
  • Low fat dairy, like skim milk, Greek yogurt and white cheese 
  • Plant-based drinks, like soy milk, oat milk or rice milk 
  • Healthy fats in moderation, like olive oil, Brazilian nuts, almonds and walnuts 
  • Legumes, like beans, lentils, chickpeas and soy beans
  • Spices and natural seasoning, like rosemary, vinegar, parsley, pepper and oregano 

Combining weight loss teas with your meals is a great way to achieve your health goals. Check out our list of weight loss teas that you can prepare at home. 

Foods to avoid 

You should significantly reduce or avoid foods that are high in carbohydrates and saturated fat, like: 

  • Sugary foods, like honey, soda, ice cream, pudding and chocolate 
  • Refined grains, like white rice, white bread and white pasta 
  • Sausages, like salami, hotdogs and prosciutto 
  • High-fat dairy, like whole milk, whole yogurt and yellow cheeses 
  • High-fat foods, like fast food, french fries, packaged salty snacks, hamburgers and pizza 
  • Processed condiments, like mayonnaise, meat tenderizers, ketchup, salad dressings and seasoning cubes 

You should also avoid alcoholic drinks, like bear, wine and cocktails, as they tend to be high in calories and can interfere with weight loss. 

Other tips for weight loss

Some tips that can promote weight loss include: 

  1. Drinking lots of water, as it can occupy significant volume in the stomach to decrease hunger cravings and control appetite 
  2. Chew mindfully and slowly, so that that brain can receive cues from the stomach when you are full, which can control cravings and promote weight loss 
  3. Sleep 7 to 9 hours per night, as GH is a hormone that helps with fat burning

Another tip is to incorporate thermogenic foods into your diet, like cinnamon, cacao, ginger and green tea. These foods boost metabolism and promote fat burning. 

Meal plan for weight loss

The following table outlines a 3-day meal plan that promotes weight loss: 


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3


200 ml of skim milk + omelet with 1 egg and diced tomato 

1 green smoothie + 1 crepe (made with tapioca flour)

1 black coffee + 1 whole grain toast + 2 slices of white cheese 

Morning snack

1 pear

1 tangerine

½ a papaya


1 fish fillet with sauce + 1 plate of salad made with 2 tablespoons of chick peas, tomato, cucumber, onion and lettuce, seasoned with 1 tablespoon of olive oil + 2 slices of pineapple 

1 chicken breast + 3 tablespoons of beans + 4 tablespoons of stir-fried chards with a dash of olive oil + 1 orange 

1 serving of soup made with cabbage, carrots, squash, garlic, pumpkin and turkey breast + 1 slice of melon  

Afternoon snack 

1 sugar-free Greek yogurt + 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds 

1 apple + 5 almonds 

1 smoothie made with 150 ml of skim milk or plant-based milk, ½ banana e 1 teaspoon of oats 


1 serving of tomato soup with a dash of olive oil + 1 kiwi 

Omelet with 2 eggs, 1 dash of olive oil, tomato, oregano and spinach + 6 strawberries 

1 baked eggplant stuffed with ground meat and homemade tomato sauce + salad with arugula, chards, cucumber and tomato, seasoned with 1 tablespoon of olive oil + 1 fresh plum 

The quantities in this meal plan may vary depending on your age, health status, nutritional necessities and activity level. You are advised to consult a registered dietitian to ensure your needs are thoroughly evaluated and a customized diet plan is developed to meet your goals. Learn more about how many calories you should eat in a day to achieve weight loss.

Dieting should be combined with physical activity to ensure weight loss. You should seek a physiotherapist or personal trainer to ensure you are engaging in exercise that is safe for you. 

1. Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise, like a brisk walk, running, cycling, rowing and swimming can increase your calorie burning and increase you breathing capacity. You should dedicate 30 minutes per day to these types of activities.

Check out weight loss exercises that you can try at home to target belly fat.

2. Strength-training exercise

Strength-training also contributes to weight loss, as gaining muscle mass boosts metabolism and promotes fat burning. This type of activity usually involves the use of weighted equipment, like dumbbells, barbells and resistance bands to help develop muscles. 

Crossfit is also great for muscle gains. These exercises are usually aerobic in nature, and ensure optimal calorie burning and cardiovascular functioning that promotes a faster metabolism and weight loss. 

Learn more about chest workouts and leg workouts that you can try help to burn more calories.