How to Get Regular Periods Naturally: 11 Teas to Try

Scientifically proven

Teas that regulate your period naturally, like marjoram tea or St. Kitt’s wort tea, contain substances that help to balance hormones. They promote more regular cycles, as well as decrease menstrual flow and relieve cramps. 

These teas should not be used during pregnancy, as they can stimulate uterine contractions and increase the risk for fetal malformations. 

It is important to consult a gynecologist if your periods are frequently irregular to rule out other health conditions, like polycystic ovarian disease.

Logo Tua Saúde This content is solely for informative purposes and should not replace a medical consultation. Do not interrupt your current treatment without seeking medical guidance.
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Teas to regulate period 

Teas that can help to induce a more regular cycle include:

1. Oregano tea 

Oregano is an aromatic herb that is used in some cultures to improve circulation to the uterine and stimulate uterine contractions. It is sometimes used on or after the delivery date to induce labor. Because of its properties, oregano can also help to trigger menstruation. 


  • 1 tablespoon of oregano
  • 1 cup of boiling water

How to prepare

Pour the boiling water over the oregano and allow to soak for 5 minutes. Then, allow to cool, strain and drink 2 to 3 times per day. 

2. Marjoram tea

Marjoram tea, prepared with the medicinal plant Origanum majorana, can help to regulate menstruation. It is especially effective in cases of PCOS, as this tea can help to improve insulin sensitivity, which is a common symptom of this condition. 


  • 20 g of marjoram leaves
  • 1 L of water 

How to prepare

Boil the water and once bubbling, remove from heat and add the marjoram leaves. Allow to soak for about 10 minutes and then strain and drink up to 3 cups per day. 

Marjoram is not recommended for use during pregnancy nor by children under 12 years old. This plant can cause hormonal changes that can impact fetal development and puberty. 

3. Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon tea is an excellent home remedy for regulating your period. It can help to induce late periods earlier when consumed on a regular basis. This tea improves blood flow to the uterus to trigger contractions, which stimulates menstruation. 

Cinnamon tea can also help to decrease menstrual flow and relieve intense menstrual symptoms, like cramping, nausea or vomiting. Learn about the other health benefits that cinnamon can offer. 


  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup of water

How to prepare

Place the water and cinnamon in a pot and boil for 5 minutes. Then allow to cool, remove the cinnamon and drink. Read more about whether cinnamon can induce a late period.  

4. Rue leaf tea

Rue leaf tea contain flavonoids with properties that stimulate the uterus. It is generally indicated to regulate menstruation and and induce periods. It can also decrease intense menstrual flow.


  • 1 teaspoon of rue leaves 
  • 1 cup of boiling water

How to prepare

Add the rue leaves to the boiling water, cover and allow to soak for 5 to 10 minutes. Once cool, drink up to 3 times per day, around 2 days before the expected period.

This tea is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women. This tea can also decrease fertility, therefore it is not recommended for women who are trying to get pregnant.

5. St. Kitt’s wort tea

St. Kitt’s wort tea, made with the medicinal plant Cimicifuga racemosa, contains isoflavones and caffeic acid. These substances help to regulate periods by inducing periods and relaxing the uterus. 


  • 1 teaspoon of dried St. Kitt’s wort 
  • 1 cup of boiling water 

How to prepare

Place the plant in the boiling water and allow to soak for 10 minutes. Then strain, allow to cool and drink 2 to 3 times per day. This tea can be used for 2 to 3 months, until the menstrual cycle becomes more regular. It should not be used by pregnant women or by women with a history of breast cancer. 

St. Kitt’s wort can also be used as oral supplements, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. 

6. Chaste tree tea

Chaste tree tea, prepared with the medicinal plant Vitex agnus-castus, is rich in flavonoids, essential oils, iridoids and glycosides, These substances help to balance female hormones, which can help to regulate periods. It is effective for cases of very short or very long cycles, late periods or PCOS. 


  • 1 teaspoon of chaste tree berries
  • 300 mL (about 4 oz) of water

How to prepare

Add the ingredients to a pot and boil for 3 to 4 minutes. Then cover and allow to soak an additional 10 minutes. Strain and drink up to 2 cups per day for a maximum of 3 months.

Chaste tree tea should not be used by children under 18 years old, or by pregnant or breastfeeding women. It should also be avoided by women on hormonal replacement therapy, sex hormones or birth control. 

You should be careful when dosing out the berries, as high doses can cause intestinal problems. 

7. Angelica tea

Angelica tea, prepared with the medicinal plant Angelica sinensis (Dong quai), is a great home remedy for regulating periods. It can improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, stimulate uterine muscles and improve ovarian function and fertility. 


  • 20 g of angelica roots 
  • 800 mL (about 3 cups) of boiling water 

How to prepare

Add the roots to the boiling water and soak for 10 minutes. Then strain, and drink 1 cup three times per day. 

8. Wild yam root tea

Wild yam is a medicinal plant that is traditionally used to relieve menopause symptoms. It contains a substance that acts similarly to estrogen, and therefore can help to regulate menstrual cycles (especially when short or late cycles are caused by abnormal levels of this hormone). 


  • 1 teaspoon of wild yam roots
  • 2 cups of water 

How to prepare

Boil the water with the roots for about 20 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink 2 to 3 cups per day. This tea should not be consumed during pregnancy, as it can stimulate uterine contractions. 

9. Parsley infusion

Parsley, commonly used when cooking, can also be used as a home remedy. Its properties can regulate menstrual cycles as it is able to trigger periods. Check out the other health benefits of parsley and how to use it. 


  • 10 g of parsley leaves
  • 1 L of boiling water

How to prepare

Place the leaves in the boiling water and allow to soak for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink 3 cups per day, preferably before meals. Parsley tea can also be used for the treatment of UTIs - check out the other ways you can prepare parsley tea. 

10. Marigold tea

Marigold tea with fennel and nutmeg contain anti-spasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that can help regulate periods and decrease cramping. 


  • 1 handful of marigold flowers
  • 1 teaspoon of nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon of fennel
  • 1 cup of water 

How to prepare

Add all the ingredients to a bot and boil for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat, cover and wait for the tea to cool. Then sweeten to taste, strain and drink twice per day. 

11. Saw palmetto tea

Saw palmetto contains fatty acids and phytoestrogens that can help promote optimal ovarian functioning, especially in women with PCOS. It is a great option for regulating cycles. 


  • 1 tablespoon of saw palmetto powder 
  • 1 cup of water 

How to prepare

Add the powder to the water and stir until completely dissolves. Drink twice per day. 

Saw palmetto tea should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women or by women with a history of coagulation problems like hemophilia, liver disease or pancreatic issues.