10 Egg Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits You Should Know

Eggs have high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin E and B-complex vitamins, as well as minerals, like selecium, zinc, calcium and phosphorus. These nutrients can offer many health benefits, like preventing diabetes cardiovascular diseases, as well as reducing the risk of osteoporosis. 

Eggs can also help to prevent early aging because it is high in antioxidants, which are compounds that fight free radicals. Eggs are also high in protein and can promote muscle gains. 

Eggs can be prepared in many ways: they can be boiled, scrambled, made into an omelet, or used in dessert recipes or other savory meals. It is important to consume up to 1 egg per day, as excess intake can lead to increased cholesterol levels and an increased risk for heat disease.

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Main benefits

The main benefits that the nutrition in eggs can offer include: 

1. Increase muscle mass

Eggs are rich in protein, which can give your body plenty of energy to ensure optimal physical performance. It also has great amounts of iron and B-complex vitamins, which improve oxygenation and nutrient transport in the body, which also increases muscle gains.

2. Promote weight loss 

Because they are rich in protein, eggs can keep you fuller for longer and reduce the amount you eat along the day. This can be a great tool for weight loss. 

Eggs do not contain carbohydrates, which is why they are a great option to incorporate in a low carb diet. A low carb diet is based on eating a reduced amount of carbohydrates to achieve weight loss. Learn more about the low carb diet and see whether it is right for you. 

3. Strengthen the immune system

Eggs are rich in vitamin A, vitamin E and carotenoids, like lutein and zeaxanthin. These are nutrients with antioxidant properties that help to promote cellular function and strengthen the immune system. These can also help to prevent health conditions like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

4. Reduce LDL cholesterol 

Eggs are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two potent antioxidants that help to fight free radicals. They can prevent fat cell oxidation and decrease LDL cholesterol levels, which is why eggs are an important tool in preventing diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attack and heart failure.  

5. Maintain skin health

Eggs have great quantities of selenium and zinc, minerals which improve collagen absorption to keep skin firm and hydrated.

Eggs also contain vitamin A, vitamin E and carotenoids, like lutein and zeaxanthin. These acts like antioxidants to fight free radicals and prevent the formation of wrinkles and flaccidity. 

6. Help to treat anemia 

Because it has great amounts of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid, eggs can help to treat anemia. These nutrients participate in the formation of hemoglobin, which is a component of red blood cells that is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. 

7. Strengthen the bones

Eggs have excellent amounts of vitamin D and phosphorus, which are nutrients that boost calcium absorption. This can help to prevent fractures and illnesses like osteoporosis and osteopenia. 

8. Maintain mental health

Eggs are rich in choline, a vitamin that is essential for the formation of acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is important for optimal brain functioning and can boost memory and learning abilities. 

The choline in eggs can also help to prevent neurodegenerative diseases lik Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. 

9. Preserve eye health 

Eggs contain great amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are potent antioxidants that are essential for eye health. These fight free radicals in the eyes to prevent conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration. 

10. Help to combat depression 

Free range chickens, or chickens fed with omega-3 enriched feed, will generally produce omega-3 rich eggs. Omega-3 can help to protect the cells in the central nervous system, and can boost the production of substances like serotonin and dopamine, which are responsible for mood and wellbeing.

Nutritional information

The following table outlines the nutritional composition of one whole egg, depending on how it is prepared: 


Boiled egg (50 g) 

Fried egg (50 g)

Poached egg (50 g)


77.5 calories

90.2 calories

71.5 calories


6.3 g

6.2 g

6.2 g


5.3 g

6.81 g

4.7 g


0 g

0 g

0 g


186 mg

184 mg

185 mg

Vitamin A

74.5 mcg

101 mcg

80 mcg


5.5 mcg

16.1 mcg


Vitamin D


1 mcg

1 mcg

Vitamin E

0.5 mg

0.6 mg

0.96 mg

Vitamin B12

0.6 mcg

0..45 mcg

0.4 mcg

Folic acid

22 mcg

23.5 mcg

17.5 mcg


157 mg

146 mg

117 mg


63 mg

69.9 mg

69 mg


25 mg

28.5 mg

28 mg


86 mg


99 mg


5 mg

6 mg

6 mg


0.6 mg

0.8 mg

0.9 mg


0.5 mg

0.6 mg

0.7 mg


15.4 mcg

15.2 mcg

15.3 mcg

it is important to include eggs part of a healthy, active lifestyle to obtain all of its benefits. 

How to eat eggs

Eggs can be boiled, scrambled, poached for fried. They can be eaten on their own or added to savory meals, salads or sandwiches.

They are also commonly added to many dessert recipes for cakes, souffles, crepes and cookies. 

Special considerations

Eggs are contraindicated for people with an albumin allergy, which is the protein present in egg whites. 

Although eggs do not increase cholesterol in most people, it can increase levels in people who genetically predisposed to high cholesterol. These patients are advised to consume eggs in moderation, as excess consumption can lead to increased cholesterol levels.