Home Remedies for Laryngitis: 6 Natural Recipes & Other Tips

Scientifically proven

Home remedies for laryngitis can help relieve symptoms and speed up recovery. Options include lemon tea and pomegranate peel gargles. When treating laryngitis, is also important to protect the throat by wearing suitable clothing such as turtlenecks and scarves, particularly in the winter.

If symptoms persist for more than 3 days or progressively worsen, you are advised to see a doctor for assessment. It is especially important to seek medical attention if you experience laryngitis and are not treating a cold or flu, or if you have not recently misused your voice.

Laryngitis is associated with inflammation in the throat that affects the vocal cords, causing the voice to change. Some of the most common causes are colds and flu, as well as reflux or excessive stress.

Home remedies

Some home remedies for laryngitis are:

1. Lemon tea with honey

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Lemon is rich in vitamin C which helps strengthen the body's natural defenses, while honey has antioxidant properties which help to decongest the airways and detoxify the body. These factors help to treat laryngitis caused by colds and flu.


  • 1 lemon with peel
  • 1 glass of water
  • 3 teaspoons of honey

How to prepare

Bring the water to the boil and once it starts to boil, turn off the heat and add the sliced lemon with the peel. Cover, leave to cool, then strain and add the honey. Drink this tea 2-3 times a day.

2. Pomegranate and watercress gargle

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Watercress, pomegranate and honey have properties that help to cleanse the vocal cords, which can be very useful for combating laryngitis. See all the health benefits that pomegranate has to offer.


  • 2 glasses of water
  • 4 sprigs of watercress
  • 1/2 pomegranate with peel
  • 3 tablespoons of honey

How to prepare

Put the watercress, pomegranate and water in a pot and boil over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then strain the solution and add the honey. Gargle this solution twice a day.

3. Honey syrup with propolis

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Honey and propolis have healing and purifying properties that can help cleanse the vocal cords and are beneficial for cases of laryngitis or aphonia.

Check-out the other health benefits of propolis and how to use it.


  • 250 ml of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 5 drops of propolis extract

How to prepare

Mix all the ingredients well and gargle 3-4 times a day for as long as the symptoms of laryngitis or loss of voice last.

4. Ginger tea

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Ginger tea is a great home remedy for the throat due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Learn more about the health benefits of ginger and how to use it.


  • 5 cm of ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 liter of water

How to prepare

Boil the water, then remove from heat and add the ginger. Steep for a few minutes, strain and add the honey. Drink 2 cups of tea a day.

5. Oregano tea

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A great home remedy for laryngitis is oregano tea, as it contains properties that help clear and purify the throat. Learn more about the nutritional properties in oregano and the other health benefits it can offer. 


  • 3 fresh oregano leaves
  • 1 lemon
  • 500 ml of boiling water
  • Honey to taste

How to prepare

Add the oregano to a pot, cover with boiling water and leave to infuse for about 20 minutes. Then add the juice of one lemon and sweeten with honey to taste. You can drink this tea in small doses throughout the day.

6. Licorice tea

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Licorice has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce irritation of the vocal cords and eliminate phlegm


  • 5 grams of licorice root
  • 500 ml of water

How to prepare

Place the licorice root and water in a pan and boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Then leave to cool, strain and drink up to 2 cups a day.

Other tips for recovering faster

Some tips for recovering faster and preventing further voice problems are:

  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Maintain good posture when speaking and singing
  • Adhere to a healthy diet, making sure to chew your food well
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day
  • Speak without straining or tiring your voice
  • Avoid drinking milk or dairy products, alcoholic or carbonated drinks before speaking for a prolonged period
  • Do not sniffle, shout or laugh excessively

By considering these precautions, the you can reduce your risk for getting laryngitis and hoarseness. Learn more about what causes hoarseness and how to treat it.