Top 7 Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Home remedies for kidney stones, like chanca-piedra tea or hibiscus tea, tend to contain diuretic and inflammatory properties. These can help to reduce inflammation caused by the passage of stones through the urinary tract.  

Another home remedy for kidney stones is black mulberry tea, which also contains a diuretic properties and can be used to complement prescribed medical treatment. Lemon juice is also a great natural option. 

Ideally, these remedies should be reported to your doctor or monitored by a medicinal plant specialist. You are advised to purchase the plants at natural health product stores, to avoid confusing them with other similar plants. Kidney stone treatment should also involve an adequate diet, which can be advised by a registered dietitian. Learn more about what causes kidney stones and how they are treated.

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Home remedies for kidney stones include:

1. Chanca-piedra tea

The chanca-piedra, or stone-breaker, plant is scientifically known as Phyllanthus niruri. It is commonly utilized to treat kidney stones, as it reduces the formation of crystals and prevents further growth of already-existent stones in the kidneys. 


  • 1 liter of water
  • 20 g of chanca-piedra extract 

How to use:

To prepare the tea, boil the water, then add the plan. Steep for 15 minutes, strain and drink. You can drink this tea up to three times per day. 

2. Black mullberry tea

Black mullberry contains substances known as flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This medicinal plant also contains diuretic properties that help to eliminate kidney stones. 


  • 15 g of dried black mulberry leaves
  • 1 liter of boiled water 

How to prepare:

Place the leaves in the boiled water and steep for 15 minutes. Then strain and drink the tea four times per day. 

3. Java tea

This medicinal plant is commonly known as java, but scientifically referred to as Orthosiphon aristatus. It is commonly used to treat kidney stones and UTIs, due to its anti-inflammatory properties.


  • 6 g  of dried java leaves
  • 1 liter of boiling water 

How to prepare:

Place the leaves in the boiling water and steep for 10 to 15 minutes, then strain. Drink this tea two to three times per day. 

4. Lemon juice

Lemons contain a compound called citrate, which helps to break-up calcium deposits that form kidney stones. Lemon juice can therefore be used to eliminate kidney stones and delay their growth. 


  • 1 whole lemon
  • 500 mL of water 

How to prepare:

Squeeze the lemon directly into the water, which can be previously cooled in the fridge. Ideally, you should avoid adding sugar. If you would like to sweeten the juice, you can add a little honey. 

5. Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus is a plant that is often used to treat kidney stones because it has diuretic properties that help to increase urinary frequency. This plant can also reduce the accumulation of crystals in the kidneys. 


  • 2 tablespoons of dried hibiscus 
  • 1 liter of water 

How to prepare:

To make this tea, boil the water and then add the dried hibiscus. Allow to steep for 15 minutes, then strain and drink. This tea can be consumed up to four times per day. 

6. Miner's tea

Miner's tea, prepared with Echinodorus grandiflorus, contains diuretic and detoxing properties that help to eliminate kidney stones. It also contains anti-inflammatory action which can help to relieve symptoms. Learn more about kidney stone symptoms, and complete our online symptom checker if you believe you may have kidney stones.


  • 20 g of miner's tea leaves (dried) 
  • 1 L of water 

How to prepare:

Place the leaves in a pot with the water and boil for 10 minutes. Then strain, wait for it to cool and drink two to three cups per day. 

7. Parsley tea

Parsley contains diuretic and detoxing properties as it is rich in iron and flavonoids. These substances can increase urine volume and help to kidney stone elimination. 


  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly chopped parsley, including the stems 

How to prepare:

Boil the water, then remove from heat and add the parsley. Stir, then steep for 20 minutes. Drink throughout the day.