Guar Gum: Health Benefits, How to Take & Side Effects

Guar gum is a type of fiber that promotes intestinal flora balance. It adds bulk to the stool and stimulates the natural movement of the intestine, thus helping to combat constipation.

Furthermore, guar gum can also help to keep you full, reducing hunger throughout the day. For this reason, it is a great option to include in a weight loss diet. Check out more high fiber foods that you can include in your weight loss diet. 

Guar gum can be purchased in health food stores and pharmacies in powder form. It can be consumed by diluting it in water, juices, yogurts and fruits, or used to add consistency to sauces, breads, cakes or purees. Additionally, guar gum can also be found in the form of chewable gummies or jellies.

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Health benefits

Guar gum can be indicated for:

1. Promoting weight loss

Guar gum is a fiber that dissolves in water and forms a type of gel in the stomach. It keeps you full and reduces hunger and the desire to eat throughout the day, which is why it is a good option to help in weight loss. Read more about what to eat for a weight loss diet.

However, to achieve weight loss, guar gum must be part of a healthy diet with regular physical activity.

2. Managing “bad” cholesterol

Guar gum binds to bile acids in the body, which forces the liver to use cholesterol to produce more bile acids. Therefore, guar gum can be taken to manage cholesterol levels and help to prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and angina.

3. Preventing diabetes

Guar gum slows down the absorption of sugar from food. This can promote blood glucose levels, helping to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes.

Furthermore, guar gum can be taken to helps manage blood sugar levels in people who already have diabetes.

4. Strengthening the immune system

Guar gum has an immunomodulatory action which promotes an increase in beneficial bacteria and a reduction in bad bacteria in the intestine, thus strengthening the immune system.

Therefore, guar gum can help prevent allergies and flu, and treat inflammatory diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

5. Fighting constipation

Guar gum is a soluble fiber that combats constipation, because it stimulates the natural movement of the intestine, facilitating the elimination of feces.

However, to combat constipation it is also essential to drink plenty of water, to hydrate the guar gum and facilitate the passage of feces through the intestine. Check-out other home remedies for constipation that you can prepare to promote bowel movements.

How to use guar gum

Guar gum powder can be added to water, juices, fruits and yogurt. It can also be used to improve the texture and softness of other preparations, such as puddings, breads, cakes, sauces or ice creams.

The recommended dose for guar gum varies according to each person's needs and the objectives to be treated. However, the recommended suggestion for adults ranges from 5 to 25 g of powdered guar gum per day, which should be diluted in water and taken before meals.

The recommended intake of guar gum, in the form of chewable gum, is around 2 gummies per day.

Possible side effects

When consumed in excess, guar gum can cause some side effects such as gas, cramps, intestinal obstruction, nausea, swollen belly and diarrhea.

Furthermore, consuming guar gum and drinking little water can cause choking, constipation.

Contraindications for use

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should use guar gum only as recommended by a doctor.

Guar gum can interfere with the action of some medications, such as metformin, ethinyl estradiol, penicillin and dioxin. Therefore, people who use these types of medications should only consume guar gum under the guidance of a doctor.