To treat indigestion, you can take teas and juices that promote optimal digestion. When necessary, you can also take medications that protect the stomach and speed up intestinal flow, reducing the feeling of a full stomach.
Indigestion can be caused by eating too much food in a meal or eating very fatty or sugary foods. Check out other causes of upper stomach pain and what to do.
If you experience indigestion frequently, or if it is left untreated, this symptoms can develop into other conditions, such as acid reflux or gastritis.
1. Teas for indigestion
Some teas that can be prepared to combat indigestion are:
- Boldo tea
- Fennel tea
- Chamomile tea
- Macela tea
Tea for indigestion should be prepared right before drinking. You should consume it black, as sugar can worsen indigestion. For this tea to have the expected effect, you should take small sips of the tea every 15 minutes, especially after meals.
Also recommended: Tea For Upset Stomach: 5 Natural Options For Relief Juices for indigestion
Some juices can also help improve digestion:
- Orange juice with cabbage
- Pineapple juice with mint
- Lemon, carrot and ginger juice
- Pineapple juice with papaya
- Orange juice, watercress and ginger
Juices should be prepared and consumed right away while they are fresh, so that maximum amount of nutrients are used by the body.
You can also eat pro-digestive fruits, such as pineapple and orange, for dessert at main meals, to help promote optimal digestion.
3. Medication for indigestion
Some examples of medications you can take for indigestion are:
- Calcium carbonate
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Aluminum hydroxide
- Simethicone
- Magnesium hydroxide
- Milk of magnesia
Most of these medications can be purchased over-the-counter, however children under 12 and pregnant women should consult their doctor before using. Indigestion caused by H. pylori bacteria in the stomach can be further treated with antibiotics as necessary.
Also recommended: H. Pylori Diet: What to Eat & Avoid (w/ 3-Day Meal Plan) during pregnancy
To combat indigestion during pregnancy, you can:
- Drink fennel tea;
- Eat 1 slice of pineapple after main meals
- Take small sips of water throughout the day
- Eat small portions every 3 hours
- Do not drink f luids during meals
- Identify foods that cause poor digestion and avoid consuming them
Indigestion during pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes and the growth of the baby in the mother's belly, which tightens the stomach and makes digestion difficult. If the problem is frequent and interferes with your regular eating habits, you should see a doctor for assessment and possible treatment.