Recent Articles by Marcela Lemos

Illustrative image of the article Urobilinogen in Urine: Normal Levels, Causes & Treatment

Urobilinogen in Urine: Normal Levels, Causes & Treatment

Updated in 12-15-2023

High levels of urobilinogen in the urine is a symptom of several health conditions, like liver disease and hemolytic anemia, which also cause increased bilirubin levels in the blood. Learn more about what causes this finding and how it is treated.

Illustrative image of the article Hemoglobin in Urine: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Hemoglobin in Urine: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Updated in 12-15-2023

Hemoglobin in the urine occurs when hemoglobin is excreted in the urine due to red blood cell destruction. This gives urine a urine a reddish and transparent color. See what causes hemoglobin in the urine and what to do.

Illustrative image of the article What Bilirubin in Urine Means: Causes, Symptoms & What to Do

What Bilirubin in Urine Means: Causes, Symptoms & What to Do

Updated in 12-15-2023

Bilirubin in the urine is usually a sign of a liver problem. This finding should be compared with other test results to reach a diagnosis, which will help to guide appropriate treatment. Learn more about what causes bilirubin in the urine a.

Illustrative image of the article RBC in Urine: Top 7 Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

RBC in Urine: Top 7 Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Updated in 12-15-2023

RBC in the urine is also known as hematuria. It is usually associated with a kidney problem, but can occur when urine samples are collected during a period or after intense exercise. RBC in the urine will usually cause urine to appear red, pink or cloudy. Learn more about .

Illustrative image of the article Oily Urine: 5 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Oily Urine: 5 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Updated in 12-15-2023

Oily urine can occur with dehydration or excess vitamins, as well as other health conditions like ketosis, nephrotic syndrome or chyluria. It is not a normal finding, and should be further examined with testing. Learn about what causes oily urine and what to do to treat It.

Illustrative image of the article Nipah Virus: Symptoms, Transmission, Treatment & Prevention

Nipah Virus: Symptoms, Transmission, Treatment & Prevention

Updated in 11-21-2023

The Nipah virus can be transmitted through contact with contaminated fluids or excrement from infected animals or people, or through person to person contact. It can cause flu-like symptoms that can last for up to 3 weeks. Learn more about the symptoms associated with this infection, how it is treated, and prevention.

Illustrative image of the article Symptoms of Parasites: 7 Signs (with Online Symptom Test)

Symptoms of Parasites: 7 Signs (with Online Symptom Test)

Updated in 11-14-2023

The main symptom of pinworms is intense anal itching, that worsens at night. In addition, if there are a lot of parasites. A large infestation can also cause nausea, weight loss and abdominal cramps. Learn about the main symptoms of pinworm.

Illustrative image of the article Blood Types: Compatibility Chart, Rh Factor & Donating

Blood Types: Compatibility Chart, Rh Factor & Donating

Updated in 10-30-2023

The blood types that exist in humans are A, B, AB and O. Not all blood types are compatible with each other, however, and therefore it's important to know who can donate to whom. Receiving the wrong blood type can lead to life-threatening c.

Illustrative image of the article Blood Tests For Cancer: 13 Tests Used For Diagnosis

Blood Tests For Cancer: 13 Tests Used For Diagnosis

Updated in 10-24-2023

Blood tests can be ordered by a doctor to investigate for cancer. Some cancer cells and tumors can produce substances, also known as tumor markers, that will become elevated in the presence of cancer. Learn more about blood tests for cancer.

Illustrative image of the article Ketones in Urine: Top Causes & Symptoms of Ketonuria

Ketones in Urine: Top Causes & Symptoms of Ketonuria

Updated in 10-16-2023

Ketones in the urine are often a sign of decompensated diabetes, extended fasting, or a diet rich in fat and low in carbohydrates. Ketones are a by-product of fat breakdown, which will happen when carbohydrate stores are low. Learn more about what causes of high ketone levels in urine and what to do .

Illustrative image of the article Mucus in Urine: 7 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Mucus in Urine: 7 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Updated in 10-16-2023

Mucus in the urine is usually a common finding, but high amounts with symptoms like burning with urination, abdominal pain or bloody should be assessed by a doctor. These could indicated a UTI, irritable bowel syndrome or even kidney stones.

Illustrative image of the article Hemoglobin Levels: High or Low Results (& What They Mean)

Hemoglobin Levels: High or Low Results (& What They Mean)

Updated in 10-12-2023

Hemoglobin is a component of red blood cells that serves to transport oxygen to tissues. Abnormal hemoglobin levels can be signs of illnesses like anemia, thalassemia and dehydration. Learn about what a high hemoglobin or low hemoglobin lev.

Illustrative image of the article Crystals in Urine: Symptoms, Causes & Types

Crystals in Urine: Symptoms, Causes & Types

Updated in 09-27-2023

Crystals in the urine can be a normal finding , however high levels may be a sign of health conditions like kidney stones or gout. They are often caused by dehydration or medications, but can also appear with UTIs or a high protein diet. Learn about the other causes of crystals in the urine and the types that can appear.

Illustrative image of the article Tick Diseases: 6 Most Common Illnesses From Tick Bites

Tick Diseases: 6 Most Common Illnesses From Tick Bites

Updated in 08-10-2023

Lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever and babesiosis and tick diseases that are transmitted through tick bites. They are associated with serious symptoms, like fever, confusion and muscle aches. Learn about the most common tick diseases, the symptoms associated with them, and how they are treated.

Illustrative image of the article Listeria: What Is it, Listeriosis Symptoms, & Treatment

Listeria: What Is it, Listeriosis Symptoms, & Treatment

Updated in 06-26-2023

Listeria is a bacteria found in soil, iodine and water that can cause an infectious illness called listeriosis. This bacteria is usually transmitted through contaminated water and food and can cause symptoms like fever, body aches and diarrhea. Learn more about how it’s transmitted, treatment options and how to prevent.