Recent Articles by Marcela Lemos

Illustrative image of the article Listeria: What Is it, Listeriosis Symptoms, & Treatment

Listeria: What Is it, Listeriosis Symptoms, & Treatment

Updated in 06-26-2023

Listeria is a bacteria found in soil, iodine and water that can cause an infectious illness called listeriosis. This bacteria is usually transmitted through contaminated water and food and can cause symptoms like fever, body aches and diarrhea. Learn more about how it’s transmitted, treatment options and how to prevent.

Illustrative image of the article Blastomycosis: Symptoms, Types & Treatment

Blastomycosis: Symptoms, Types & Treatment

Updated in 04-19-2023

Blastomycosis is an infectious disease caused by a fungus. It can compromise lung function or spread through the blood stream, leading to more serious symptoms. Learn more about what causes blastomycosis, the symptoms associated with it, the types there are and the treatment available.

Illustrative image of the article 6 Thyroid Tests That Detect Thyroid Abnormalities

6 Thyroid Tests That Detect Thyroid Abnormalities

Updated in 04-12-2023

The thyroid can be evaluated through blood tests, like thyroid hormoes (TSH, T4 or T3) or antibodies, as well as other tests like ultrasound, scintigraphy and a self-exam. Learn about the most common thyroid tests the doctor can order and how they are done.

Illustrative image of the article Anemia Blood Tests: 8 Lab Tests Your Doctor May Order

Anemia Blood Tests: 8 Lab Tests Your Doctor May Order

Updated in 04-04-2023

To confirm anemia, it is important for the doctor to order blood tests that look at the total amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. Other tests can help to identify the type of anemia or the underlying cause of it. Learn more about anemia blood tests your doctor may order to reach a diagnosis.

Illustrative image of the article Candida Auris: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention

Candida Auris: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention

Updated in 03-24-2023

A Candida auris infection can cause UTIs, respiratory infections and even blood infections. It is resistant to the majority of typical antifungals used to treat Candida infections. Learn about the most common symptoms, how this infection is diagnosed and treated, and how to prevent it.

Illustrative image of the article Babesiosis: Symptoms, Causes, Transmission & Treatment

Babesiosis: Symptoms, Causes, Transmission & Treatment

Updated in 03-21-2023

Babesiosis is an illness transmitted by ticks infected by Babesia sp. An infected tick bite can cause red blood cell destruction and symptoms like fever, muscle pain, fatigue and dark urine. Learn more about the other symptoms of babesiosis, how it’s transmitted and the treatment options available .

Illustrative image of the article Creatinine Clearance: What Is It, Normal Range & Calculator

Creatinine Clearance: What Is It, Normal Range & Calculator

Updated in 01-12-2023

Creatinine clearance tests are ordered by the doctor to evaluate kidney function and monitor for response to treatment. This value can become abnormal in the presence of a kidney injury or a heart issue. Learn more about what a normal creatinine clearance result is, and what a high or low result means .

Illustrative image of the article Streptococcus Pyogenes (Strep A): Illnesses & Diagnosis

Streptococcus Pyogenes (Strep A): Illnesses & Diagnosis

Updated in 12-12-2022

O Streptococcus pyogenes, or Strep A, is a bacteria that is naturally found in the body. However a weakened immune system or other conditions can lead to multiplication and spreading of Strep A, causing pharyngitis, tonsil infections and other illnesses. Learn more about what Strep A can cause and how it is diagnosed.

Illustrative image of the article What is Monkeypox? Symptoms, Transmission & Vaccines

What is Monkeypox? Symptoms, Transmission & Vaccines

Updated in 08-02-2022

Monkeypox is a rare disease that is caused by a virus that can be transmitted from animals to people. It leads to the appearance of blisters and skin wounds, fatigue and muscular pain. Learn more about monkeypox, what other symptoms can appear, how it is transmitted and how to treat it.

Illustrative image of the article Jock Itch: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Jock Itch: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Updated in 05-19-2022

Jock itch is a type of fungal infection characterized by the appearance of very itchy, red rashes around the groin. You should see a doctor for assessment and treatment, which typically involves the use of an anti fungal ointment. Learn more about jock itch, its symptoms and how it is treated.

Illustrative image of the article Ringworm: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Ringworm: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Updated in 04-13-2022

Ringworm, also know as dermatophytosis or tinea, is a fungal infection of the skin that sometimes starts with small patches that spread throughout the body. Find out it's the symptoms, causes and treatment options.

Illustrative image of the article Low Platelets: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Low Platelets: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Updated in 03-28-2022

Thrombocytopenia, or low platelet count, can be caused by infections, medications or even pregnancy. It can lead to symptoms like bruising and bleeding gums. Learn more about what causes low platelet counts and how it is treated.

Illustrative image of the article Cloudy Urine: What It Means, Causes & What to Do

Cloudy Urine: What It Means, Causes & What to Do

Updated in 03-09-2022

In most cases, cloudy urine does not mean there is an abnormal process going on. However, if it is accompanied by other symptoms, like a foul smell, burning with urination or discharge, you should see your doctor for a urine test. Learn more about the causes of cloudy urine and what to do.