Blood Type Diet: How It Works & What to Eat

A blood type diet is characterized by maintaining a specific diet in accordance with your blood type (A, B, AB, or O), as well as performing specific exercises to help improve digestion and metabolism.

The creator of this diet, north-American doctor, Dr. Peter d'Adamo, also confirms that the diet boosts immunity and reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which can help to prevent diseases like heart attack, atherosclerosis or stroke. 

However, the blood type diet is not scientifically proven and is therefore not supported by the medical community. You are advised to see a registered dietitian if you are looking to achieve specific health goals through diet. 

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How it works

According to Dr. Peter d'Adamo, each blood type contains certain characteristics and dietary habits that come from ancestors of the past. He proposes that a specific diet can help to improve digestion and health, and reduce the risk for disease. 

His theory states that people with blood type A, for example, should eat more vegetables, legumes and fruit. People with blood type B should prioritize milk and diary. Those with an AB blood type should maintain a diet with goods from the group A and B blood type. Those with an O blood type should consume more animal protein. 

Dr. d'Adamo defends that foods can be considered: 

  • Beneficial, when they present and cure disease 
  • Neutral, when they do not cause nor cure disease
  • Harmful, when they cause disease. 

Each food's capacity to cause or cure disease varies with the person's blood type. 

In addition to dieting, you are also advised to exercise regularly and according to your blood type. Exercises can range from light activity, like meditation, to intense activity, like running. 

A blood type diet

People with an A blood type should prioritize a diet that is rich in fruit, vegetables and legumes. Dr. d'Adamo states that these people have more difficulty digesting animal protein, and should therefore stick to food that is easier to digest. Milk and dairy can be consumed in small quantities, as well as eggs, as these can help to ensure protein intake. 

According to Dr. d'Adamo, people with an A blood type should exercise regularly, ideally in the outdoors. They should participate in relaxing activities, like yoga, meditation or walks three to four times per week, for a duration of 30 to 45 minutes. 

B blood type diet

People with a B blood type should prioritize milk and dairy products to have more energy. These people are generally able to digest high fat foods. 

In addition to maintaining this diet, Dr. d'Adamo also recommends people with a B blood type to participate in a range of exercises, from light (like meditation) to intense (like strength training) for 2 to 3 times per week for 25 to 30 minutes. 

AB blood type diet

People with an AB blood type need a balanced diet, according to Dr. d'Adamo. This group's diet combines the characteristics of the A and B blood type diets. 

According to Dr. Peter, people with an AB blood type should focus on light exercises twice a week, and intense exercises (like running, cycling and cross fit) three times per week, for 45 to 60 minutes.

O blood type diet

Because they have the most ease in digesting meat and fat, people with a O blood type should maintain a diet that is rich in animal proteins. They should also avoid consuming milk and dairy products, which will lead to weight gain, inflammation and fatigue.  

This group should perform aerobic exercise for 30 to 45 minutes, at least four times per week. 

Does the blood type diet work?

The blood type diet can help with weight loss, as is based on a healthy balanced diet that includes physical activity. However, there is no scientific evidence that supports the effect of this diet on digestion, energy or health

In addition, this diet may not be very practical, as people with an O type should eat animal protein regularly, which may be impossible for someone who is vegetarian, for example. 

If you are looking to start a weight loss diet or to treat some type of ailment, you are advised to see a registered dietitian for a thorough assessment. He or she can create a meal plan that is adapted to you and your needs. 

Healthy weight loss diets

A healthy diet that your dietitian may recommend is the Mediterranean diet, which prioritizes fresh and natural foods. This can provide many health benefits, and reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease. 

Another healthy option is the low carb diet, which is characterized by a reduction of high-carb foods, like bread, pasta, and pudding, and an emphasis on protein and healthy fats. 

It is important to highlight that to lose weight, you should maintain a varied and balanced diet. Ideally you should see a dietitian, who may devise an individualized meal plan that meets each person's individual needs and goals.