Goldenberries: 12 Health Benefits, Nutritional Info & Recipes

Goldenberries are a fruit that can offer several health benefits, such as reducing cholesterol, managing blood sugar, maintaining healthy vision and preventing cancer. There are two species of this fruit: Physalis angulata and the Physalis peruviana

These benefits are derived from the nutrients that goldenberries have, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, minerals and antioxidants. They also contain anti-inflammatory, satietogenic, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and laxative properties.

Goldenberries are a small yellow fruit, surrounded by a cocoon made of thin leaves. It has a sweet and slightly acidic flavor, and can be consumed with the peel in its natural form, or added to recipes for cakes, jelly, candy, juices and salads.

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Health benefits

The main health benefits of goldenberries include:

1. Promoting weight loss

Because they are high in fiber, goldenberries increase the time it takes to digest food. This can help to control hunger throughout the day and promote weight loss.

Furthermore, goldenberries are low in calories, making it a great fruit to include in weight loss diets. Check-out a list of other fruits for weight loss that are low in calories.

2. Improving memory

Goldenberries can improve memory and cognition as it contains lutein, quercetin, myricetin and kaempferol. These are pigments with antioxidant action that protect neurons from free radical damage, which helps to can preserve their functioning.

3. Treating intestinal diseases

Goldenberries are rich in fiperunolide and withanolide, which are bioactive compounds that have antioxidant action. They reduce inflammation in the body and can be beneficial for complementing the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. It can also help to prevent the emergence of colon cancer.

4. Combating constipation

Goldenberries are rich in insoluble fiber, a type of fiber that increases stool volume and stimulates natural bowel movements. This helps to promote evacuation and combat constipation.

5. Preventing anemia

Because it has excellent amounts of vitamin C, goldenberries help to facilitate the absorption iron from food. This is essential for the formation of hemoglobin and prevention of anemia. 

Also recommended: Vitamin C Foods: 21 Foods, Supplements & How to Consume

6. Lowering cholesterol

Goldenberries help to reduce cholesterol levels as they  contains fiber that reduce fat absorption. This helps to balancing fat levelsin the blood and, overtime, can prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks and high blood pressure.

In addition, goldenberries has great amounts of flavonoids, which are bioactive compounds with antioxidant action. They help to fight free radicals and prevent the oxidation of fat cells to manage cholesterol levels.

7. Preventing diabetes

Because it is a great source of fiber, goldenberries help to reduce how quicjkly carbohydrates are absorbed. This helps to keep blood glucose levels within normal levels, which can contribute to the prevention of insulin resistance and diabetes.

In addition, goldenberries also contains antioxidant properties that improve the function of insulin, the hormone responsible for transporting glucose to tissues.

8. Preventing premature aging

Goldenberries prevent premature aging because they are rich in vitamin C, a nutrient that promotes collagen production. This is a protein that helps maintain skin elasticity and prevents sagging, wrinkles and fine lines.

In addition, goldenberries also contain rutin and quercetin, which are bioactive compounds with antioxidant action. They help to fight excess free radicals, which are responsible for skin damage.

9. Strengthening the immune system

Goldenberries are rich in nutrients and bioactive compounds with antioxidant action, like vitamin C, vitamin A and flavonoids. Therefore, they help to reduce oxidative stress and promote the production of defense cells, which can boost immunity.

10. Maintaining eye health

Goldenberries can promote eye health as they contain excellent amounts of vitamin A. This nutrient is essential for preventing xerophthalmia, a disease that causes dry eyes and difficulty seeing in dark places.

In addition, goldenberries contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids that protect the eyes from the sun's UV rays as well as  the blue light emitted by electronic devices. This can help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.

11. Preventing cancer

Goldenberries can help prevent the onset of cancer due to their high concentration of flavonoids, vitamin A and vitamin C. These are nutrients and bioactive compounds with antioxidant action that help to protect DNA and strengthen the immune system.

However, more studies are still needed to confirm the role of goldenberries in the prevention of cancer.

12. Promoting bone health

Goldenberries contain vitamin K, a nutrient that is necessary for fixing calcium to the bones. It is needed for normal bone development and bone maintenance in adulthood.

For vitamin K to contribute to improving bone mass, it should be consumed with calcium sources, such as yogurt, milk, spinach, sardines, broccoli, almonds, mussels, flaxseeds and chickpeas.

Nutritional information

The following table outlines the nutritional information in 100 g of goldenberries, which corresponds to an average of 14 units:


Quantity in 100 g of goldenberries


56 calories


0.9 g


0.2 g


9.4 g

Total fiber

6.5 g

Insolube fiber

5.2 g

Soluble fiber

0.9 g

Vitamin C

27.7 mg

Vitamin A

163 mcg

Vitamin K 10.1 mcg


1909 mcg


106 mcg


37 mcg


382 mg

To obtain all the health benefits of goldenberries, it is also important to maintain a healthy diet and to exercise regularly.

How to consume

Goldenberries can be consumed raw with their peel or added to recipes for cakes, jelly, juices and salads.

Although there is no specific daily amount that is recommended for goldenberry consumption, the minimum daily fruit recommendation is between 2 and 3 servings, which corresponds to between 160 and 240 g per day.

Possible side effects

Goldenberries should only be consumed when ripe, as its unripe form is high in solanine. This is a toxic compound that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing and changes in heart rate.

Healthy recipes

Some healthy and tasty recipes with goldenberries include:

1. Goldenberry cake


  • 200 g of unsalted butter
  • 3 cups of whole wheat flour
  • 200 g of goldenberries, broken in half
  • 4 tablespoons brown sugar or sweetener
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups of milk or vegetable drink
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder


Preheat the oven to 180ºC (or 350ºF). Grease a cake pan with butter and flour and set aside. Beat the butter and sugar until it forms a fluffy cream. Gradually, with the mixer on, add the milk and wheat flour.

Beat this mixture well, then add the baking powder, mixing gently with a spoon or spatula. Beat the egg whites in a separate bowl until stiff and gently mix them into the dough.

In a small bowl, add a little wheat flour and coat the goldenberries. Place half of the dough in the already greased pan. Spread the fruits on top of this layer, then add the rest of the dough. Bake in the oven for 40 to 45 minutes. Wait for it to cool and serve.

2. Goldenberry juice with pineapple


  • 100 g of goldenberries
  • 2 slices of pineapple, cubed.
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar or sweetener
  • 2 cups of filtered or boiled water


Wash the goldenberries well and cut them in half. Then place all the ingredients in the blender. Mix until well-combined and serve.