Updated Articles About Fertility

Illustrative image of the article Plan B Side Effects: 9 Possible Symptoms & What to Do

Plan B Side Effects: 9 Possible Symptoms & What to Do

Updated in 07-19-2023

Plan B side effects often include headaches, vomiting, nausea or breast tenderness. These symptoms can be managed with fluids, herbal teas, analgesics or antiemetics. Learn about other adverse effects of Plan B and how to treat them, and check out questions that are frequently asked about the morning-after pill.

Illustrative image of the article Implantation Symptoms: Top 5 Signs That Occur Before Pregnancy

Implantation Symptoms: Top 5 Signs That Occur Before Pregnancy

Updated in 07-06-2023

Implantation symptoms like abdominal pain and pinkish discharge can be seen when the fertilized egg attaches to the woman's uterine wall. It is common for these symptoms to be very discreet and not noticed by the woman. Learn about the most.

Illustrative image of the article Blood Clots During a Period: 7 Causes (& What To Do)

Blood Clots During a Period: 7 Causes (& What To Do)

Updated in 06-21-2023

Blood clots or fleshy tissue during menstruation can be normal and can happen due to an imbalance in the woman's hormones that cause the lining of the uterine walls to thicken. However, it can also be a sign of some health problems such as endometriosis or myoma. Learn how to identify the possible cause and what to do.

Illustrative image of the article Ovulation Symptoms: 10 Signs That You May Be Ovulating

Ovulation Symptoms: 10 Signs That You May Be Ovulating

Updated in 06-05-2023

The most obvious sign of ovulation is an increase in vaginal discharge, but there are other symptoms that can help you identify whether you are ovulating. Read about the 6 most common ovulation symptoms and learn how you can determine your fertile window.

Illustrative image of the article Light Period: 10 Common Causes & What to Do

Light Period: 10 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 06-02-2023

A light period, or hypomenorrhea, is generally not a concerning finding. However, it may indicate a problem with hormonal production, like PCOS, particularly if the period is light but prolonged. Learn more about what causes a light period,.

Illustrative image of the article False Negative Pregnancy Test: 5 Common Causes

False Negative Pregnancy Test: 5 Common Causes

Updated in 01-02-2023

Pregnancy tests are very accurate if done according to the package instructions and if completed at the right time. However, there are some reasons that can contribute to a in a false-negative pregnancy result. Learn the 5 most common cause.

Illustrative image of the article Can You Get Pregnant Without Sex?

Can You Get Pregnant Without Sex?

Updated in 07-15-2022

Is it really possible to get pregnant without sex and penetration? This is a very common question that can cause worry and anxiety in both men and women. Learn about the likelihood of pregnancy even when no penetration occurs.

Illustrative image of the article Fertile Window Calculator & Calendar

Fertile Window Calculator & Calendar

Updated in 07-14-2022

The fertile window is a period of about 6 days that happens, on average, around the 14th day of a 28-day menstrual cycle. Use our online calculator to know when your next fertile window is due and learn how to calculate your fertile window if you have an irregular cycle .

Illustrative image of the article Cervical Mucus: During Ovulation, Stages & More

Cervical Mucus: During Ovulation, Stages & More

Updated in 04-06-2022

Cervical mucus is a liquid discharge produced by the cervix and excreted from the vagina. It is a normal, expected type of vaginal discharge that helps to keep the reproductive system healthy and lubricated. Learn about how cervical mucus can change and how to check it.

Illustrative image of the article Best Pregnancy Test: Bloodwork or Urine Test?

Best Pregnancy Test: Bloodwork or Urine Test?

Updated in 02-03-2022

Pregnancy tests help women to determine if they are pregnant and can usually be done as soon as your period is late. Different types of tests have unique advantages and disadvantages. Our gynecologist explains the main differences between a blood test and an at-home pregnancy test.

Illustrative image of the article 9 Birth Control Options: Advantages, Disadvantages & Side Effects

9 Birth Control Options: Advantages, Disadvantages & Side Effects

Updated in 11-24-2021

Everything you need to know about the most commonly used contraceptives: the birth control pill, the birth control implant, the birth control coil, IUD, condom, birth control injection, surgery, and natural methods. Check out the main advan.