Sucralose: Is It Bad For You, Daily Dose & Health Benefits

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener made from sugar extracted from fruits and vegetables. It has a sweetening power of up to 600 times more than regular sugar. Sucralose has no calories and is widely used by the food industry to sweeten products such as soft drinks, cakes and juices.

Sucralose can be purchased in pharmacies, supermarkets and health food stores, and is often consumed as a way to replace sugar. It can be beneficial for diabetics, or for those looking to lose weight, as it sweetens food without leaving an aftertaste and without adding calories to the diet.

More recent studies have shown that sucralose can cause dysbiosis, however, which is an imbalance of intestinal flora. It can alter hormone metabolism and increase the risk of conditions such as obesity, diabetes or lactose intolerance.

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Is sucralose bad for you?

Sucralose is a sweetener that is considered to be safe when ingested within recommended amounts. It can even be consumed by pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children.

However, more recent studies have shown that sucralose can cause some changes in the intestinal flora and in the levels of various hormones in the body, leading to conditions like:

  • Weight gain: this sweetener can change the composition of the intestinal flora, which sends signals to the brain. It can lead to an imbalance in the release of hormones responsible for managing hunger.
  • Dysbiosis: sucralose can change the amount and types of beneficial bacteria and “bad” bacteria in the intestines, causing dysbiosis and leading to symptoms such as diarrhea, lactose intolerance, gas, excessive tiredness or mood changes. 
  • Dabetes: although it does not directly increase blood sugar levels, sucralose stimulates sweet taste receptors on the tongue, intestine and stomach, transmitting signals to the brain and stimulating the release of insulin into the blood, which, in excess, , can cause insulin resistance and, consequently, diabetes.

Additionally, some studies indicate that, when heated, sucralose can release toxic substances, increasing the risk of some types of cancer. However, more scientific evidence is needed to prove this effect

Daily recommended dose

The recommended daily dose of sucralose for an adult is 5 mg/kg of body weight per day. For example, a person weighing 60 kg can take up to 300 mg per day. 

Can diabetics eat sucralose?

Sucralose is a sweetener that can be consumed by diabetics, as it helps reduce the total white sugar intake in the diet. This can promote healthy glucose and insulin levels in the blood.

However, sucralose has a sweet taste that also stimulates the release of insulin, which can cause an imbalance in blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is important to use sweeteners in moderation and to opt for unsweetened foods whenever possible.

Difference between sucralose and stevia

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener that is up to 600 times more sweet than white. sugar. It has no aftertaste and is therefore well-tolerated and used in many different types of preparations, such as cakes, juices, coffees or teas.

Stevia is a natural sweetener, made from the Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni plant. This sweetener that is up to 300 times more sweet than common sugar. It has a slightly bitter taste however, and can therefore, can alter the flavor of some preparations. 

Health benefits

Sucralose can help reduce the amount of calories in food, making it a great option for replacing sugar in the diet for those who want to lose or maintain their weight.

This sweetener that is not metabolized by microorganisms present in the mouth, and is therefore option for replacing white sugar to prevent cavities.

Moderate consumption of sucralose can help manage blood glucose and insulin levels, and can replace white sugar in diabetic diets.