Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pneumonia

Scientifically proven

Home remedies for pneumonia are a great natural option that aim to strengthen the immune system to help speed-up recovery. Some can help to relieve symptoms like cough, fever and muscle pain. 

However, these remedies do not replace medical treatment. Pneumonia is a very serious infection that requires assessment and monitoring, as more specific interventions may be necessary.

Prescribed treatment may include the use of medication like antivirals or antibiotics. Whenever possible, home remedies should be used under your doctor's supervision. Read more about the pneumonia treatment that your doctor may consider.

Logo Tua Saúde This content is solely for informative purposes and should not replace a medical consultation. Do not interrupt your current treatment without seeking medical guidance.
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Lowering a fever

Some proven home remedies that can help with managing fevers are:

1. Peppermint tea compresses 

This is a simple, but yet very effective, way to treat a fever, as it can lower body temperature in a matter of minutes. This works because peppermint leaves contain substances like menthol to help to cool down the skin.

To use a peppermint tea compress, dip two large pieces of gauze or a clean cloth in a bowl with warm peppermint tea, and wring out the excess liquid. Then place the compress on your forehead and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. You can do this several times a day. Just make sure the tea is neither excessively hot or cold, as this could can cause a thermal shock.

Also recommended: Peppermint Tea: 7 Health Benefits & How to Prepare

2. White willow tea 

White willow is a medicinal plant with a very strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It helps to fight headaches and relieve fever, as it contains a very similar substance to one found in aspirin - salicin. 

Therefore, this tea is a perfect natural option to relieve several of pneumonia symptoms, such as headaches, fever, and muscle pain.


  • 1 tablespoon of white willow bark
  • 1 cup of boiling water

Preparation method

Place the white willow bark in the cup of boiling water and allow it to soak for five to ten minutes. Then strain the mixture and let it cool down. Drink two to three times a day.

Ideally, this tea should only be used by adults. The contraindications are the same as aspirin, which include pregnant women, people who have a higher risk of bleeding, and those taking anticoagulant medication.

For cough relief

For cough relief, some home options that are very effective include:

3. Thyme tea

Thyme is a medicinal plant that is used for treating a cough. It is recognized by the FDA and European Medicines Agency (EMA) [1] as a natural ingredient for cough medication.

According to a study done in 2006  [2], this effect may be related to the presence of flavonoids in the plant, which help to relax the throat muscles, as well as relieve any possible inflammation of the airways.

Learn more about the health benefits of thyme and how to take it.


  • 2 tablespoons of ground thyme
  • 1 cup of boiling water


Place the thyme in the boiling water and allow it to soak for ten minutes. Then strain and let it cool down. Drink two to three times a day.

Thyme tea is safe for adults and children over two years old. Pregnant women should only consume it under supervision of their obstetrician. Check out safe ways you can treat a cough during pregnancy. Some people may have an allergy to thyme, therefore if any possible allergic reaction appears, you should stop use immediately.

4. Pineapple juice 

Due to it's high composition in bromelain, pineapple juice is a good natural option for relieving coughs, as this substance is able to inhibit a cough. 

It also contains high amounts of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system and reduce any inflammation in the respiratory system.


  • 1 slice of pineapple, peeled
  • ½ cup of water


Place the ingredients in a blender and mix until well combined, Drink two to three times a day, or whenever you have a coughing fit.

Because this is a completely natural juice, this home remedy can be used by adults or children, as well as pregnant women.

Check out other natural remedies you can try to relieve a cough at home, as well as ways you can treat a dry cough or a wet cough

To relieve muscle pain

Some easy and great home remedies to decrease muscle pain and general malaise, include:

5. Ginger tea 

Ginger is a medicinal root that has high concentrations of gingerol and shogaol, which both have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. This means that ginger can help reduce any type of pain, especially muscle pain and general malaise.

In addition, the phenolic composites of ginger also have a strong antioxidant effect, helping to strengthen the immune system.


  • 1 cm of ground fresh ginger root
  • 1 cup of boiling water


Place the ginger into the boiling water and allow it to soak for five to ten minutes. Then strain the tea, cool, and drink two to three times a day.

Ginger is a safe root that can be used in adults and children over two years old. It is also considered to be safe for use during pregnancy, as long as a one gram dose of ginger per day is not exceeded for a maximum of four days straight.

Also recommended: 12 Benefits of Ginger (& How to Take As a Supplement + Recipes)

6. Echinacea tea

Echinacea is a medicinal plant that is very well known for its ability to strengthen the immune system. However, it is also quite effective in relieving body inflammation, and it also has an analgesic effect that can help relieve muscle pain and general malaise.


  • 1 tablespoon of dry echinacea flowers
  • 1 cup of boiling water


Place the dry flowers into a cup with the boiling water and allow the to soak for five to ten minutes. Then, strain the flowers out of the tea and let the tea cool down. You can drink this two to three times a day.

Echinacea is a very safe plant that can be used by adults, children over the age of two, and even pregnant women, as long as it is being used under medical supervision.