How to Get Rid of Heartburn During Pregnancy Fast (6 Methods)

To get rid of heartburn during pregnancy fast, you can try home remedies  like eating an apple, pear, or melon juice or drinking soothing teas. Mild heartburn can be treated with these natural interventions with the aim of reducing stomach acid production and promoting overall wellbeing during pregnancy.

These home remedies for heartburn should not substitute treatment prescribed by the doctor. These will not completely cure heartburn, but rather, improve any related symptoms quickly. Pregnancy heartburn typically resolves on its own after the birth of the baby, as the heartburn is usually related to hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. Learn more about the causes of heartburn during pregnancy and how related symptoms can be managed. 

Although there are many teas and medicinal herbs available for treating heartburn, you should consult your doctor or a health care professional specializing in medicinal plants, as some plants may be contraindicated during pregnancy. 

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Ways to get rid of heartburn fast

Home remedies that are safe for the treatment of heartburn during pregnancy are:

1. Milk and dairy

Drinking milk, preferably skim, or eating dairy products, especially natural yogurt, can help relieve the discomfort caused by heartburn. Milk creates a thin barrier in the lining of the stomach, decreasing irritation and relieving the symptoms of heartburn.

2. Eating an apple or pear 

Both apples and pears are fruits that help to regulate the stomach's acidity, which helps relieve associated discomfort and malaise. You are advised to eat these fruits (with the peel) as soon as the first signs of heartburn appear.

3. Drinking or eating something cold 

Eating ice-cream or very cold milk or water helps with the discomfort caused by heartburn, making it a safe option to use during pregnancy.

4. Eating crackers

Crackers are also good for treating symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy. This type of food is able to absorb any excess acid in the stomach which may be causing heartburn.

5. Eating a banana with honey 

Honey is rich in enzymes that promote digestion to relieve heartburn. Banana has a great amount of flavonoids that protect that stomach wall and esophagus, which decreases symptoms like burning and heartburn. Therefore, eating a banana with a tablespoon of honey can help to reduce heartburn. 

6.  Drinking potato juice

Potatoes contain bioactive compounds, like glycoalkaloids, a-chaconine and a-solanine. These compounds contain alkaline properties that neutralize stomach acid and improve heartburn. 

What causes heartburn during pregnancy?

Heartburn commonly occurs during pregnancy due to the hormonal changes that happen during this period. In addition, the baby's growth and development can compress the stomach, forcing stomach content to go back up the esophagus towards the mouth, leading to heartburn symptoms.

Heartburn during pregnancy can also be a result of diet. Therefore, avoiding fatty foods is advised, as well as foods with caffeine. You should also avoid drinking liquids during meals. In some cases, the doctor may also recommend and over-the-counter antacid, like Tums, to help with heartburn.