21 Folic Acid Foods to Add to Your Diet (& Daily Dose)

Folic acid foods, like spinach, beans, beer yeast and asparagus, should be a part of a balanced diet. This vitamin is important for the formation of cells and for strengthening the immune system. It also helps to keep blood vessels healthy and contributes to overall brain health.

A folic acid deficiency can lead to health problems like a stroke, anemia, heart attack, Alzheimer’s and even some types of cancer. Women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant should also ensure adequate folate intake, as decreased amounts can cause serious health conditions in the baby. 

In addition to folic acid supplementation, OBGYNs will generally advise pregnant women to additionally take vitamin B9 so that the mom and baby’s needs are both met. 

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Folic acid foods 

The following table outlines the amount of folate in 100 g of each listed food: 

Food sources 

Folic acid

1. Beer yeast 

683 mcg

2. Okra, cooked

88 mcg

3. Black beans, cooked

444 mcg 

4. Spinach, cooked

146 mcg

5. Soybeans, cooked 

111 mcg 

6. Pasta, cooked

84 mcg

7. Toasted peanuts, unsalted

66 mcg

8. Beets, raw 

110 mcg

9. Beef liver, grilled 

253 mcg

10. Chicken liver, grilled 

560 mcg

11. Walnuts

66 mcg

12. Hazelnuts

73 mcg

13. Brussel sprouts, cooked

110 mcg

14. Asparagus

149 mcg

15. Brazilian nuts

68 mcg

16. Sunflower seeds 

97 mcg

17. Chicken liver pâté 

321 mcg

18. Baguette

113 mcg

19. Blacked-eyed peas, cooked

210 mcg

20. Arugula

97 mcg

21. Corn, cooked

75 mcg

These foods naturally contain folic acid, however there are also folate-enriched foods available for purchase, like flour. 

Recommended daily dose

The recommended daily dose of folic acid varies depending on age.

  • Newborns to 6 months old: 65 mcg per day,
  • 7 to 12 months old: 80 mcg per day
  • 1 to 3 years old: 150 mcg per day
  • 4 to 8 years old: 200 mcg per day
  • 9 to 13 years old: 300 mcg per day
  • Children over 14 years old and adults: 400 mcg per day 
  • Pregnant women: 600 mcg per day
  • Breastfeeding women: 500 mcg per day

During pregnancy, increased doses are advised to prevent neural tube and spinal defects in the baby.