Dr. Ana Luíza Medeiros Vasconcelos Lima obtained her Medicine degree from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). She is licensed to practice under CRM-PE #16886.

She holds a specialist degree in Cardiology from the Foundation for the Encouragement of Cardiology Teaching and Research (FUNCORDIS). She has a postgraduate degree in Echocardiography from PROCAPE-Pronto Socorro Cardiológico de Pernambuco.

She is currently a full-time doctor at the Coronary Care Unit at Hospital Santa Joana in Recife.

Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • Cardiology
  • Echocardiography 

Academic Background

  • Echocardiography specialty from the Cardiological Emergency Room of Pernambuco - PROCAPE
  • Cardiology specialty from the Foundation for the Encouragement of Cardiology Teaching and Research - FUNCORDIS
  • Medicine degree from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), since 2008

Affiliations / Clinical Experience

  • Full-time doctor at  the Unidade Coronariana do Hospital Santa Joana em Recife