Shoulder Workout: 5 Exercises to Include in Your Plan

Shoulder workouts are as important as any workout for other muscle group in the body. The muscles and joints that make up the shoulders are important for ensuring stability and strength in the upper limbs, and can promote easier movement like lifting the arms and moving them forward, backward and sideways.

In addition to training shoulders, you should also ensure training of the biceps, triceps and forearms to achieve optimal results in terms of muscle gains and reduced sagging.

When working out, you should be monitored by a trained professional who will adapt each exercise to your individual goals and body type. A registered dietitian can also help to determine a diet that will help you achieve your goals. Check-out some muscle-building foods you can incorporate into your diet.

Home exercises

Some shoulder exercises you can perform at home include:

1. Overhead shoulder press

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The overhead shoulder press can be done standing or sitting, with dumbbells or a barbell. The movement should be performed holding the dumbbells, or the bar, with the palm facing forward and at a height where the arm and forearm form a 90º angle. Raise your arms until your elbows are extended and repeat the movement according to your plan.

2. Lateral raise

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The lateral raise can be done to work both shoulders at the same time or just one at a time. To do this, hold the dumbbell with the palm facing down and raise the dumbbell laterally to shoulder height. Depending on the objective of the training, you can flex your elbow a little or position the dumbbell a little forward.

This type of exercise works the medial and posterior deltoids, which are the the middle and back portion of the muscle that covers the shoulder, the deltoid.

3. Front raise

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The front raise can be done with dumbbells or a barbell. Hold the weight with the palm of your hand facing the body and raise it, with your arms extended, to shoulder height, repeating the exercise as indicated by your plan. This exercise works the front part of the deltoid muscle.

4. Dumbbell upright row

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The upright row can be done at home using dumbbells. Placing the dumbbells in front of your thighs, palms facing in, pull the dumbbells up in front of your chest, until your elbows are at shoulder height. Then lower again, being sure to keep the dumbbells close to your body throughout the movement. This exercise works the lateral deltoids, as well as the anterior deltoids.

5. Bent-over reverse flies

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Bent-over reverse flies can be done either on a machine or sitting on a bench or with your torso leaning forward. If done on a bench, raise your arms to shoulder height with the dumbbells in your hands, and repeat the movement as per your plan. This exercise works the back of the deltoid, as well as the back muscles.

Gym exercises

Shoulder exercises that can be performed at the gym include:

1. Arnold press machine

The exercise on the Arnold press machine should be done by sitting on the bench, resting your back on the backrest and adjusting the seat so that the handles are at shoulder height. Feet must be flat on the floor.

Then, push the handles up until your arms are extended and then slowly lower them.

The Arnold press workout works the deltoid muscles, as well as the pectorals and triceps.

2. Articulated pulley

The articulated pulley is done sitting down, with your face facing the machine and your spine straight. Then, pulling the hand supports, you must move the arms in an upward and downward direction to open and close the arms.

The movement of this exercise works the posterior deltoid muscles, in addition to the back, lats, trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

3. Open Front Pull

The open front pull also known as the front pulley, the exercise is done sitting facing the machine, with your hands on the handle, bringing the bar towards your chest.

For the movement to be done correctly, the torso must not move, and only the arms must move. It is also important to keep your abdomen contracted throughout the movement to ensure stability.

This exercise mainly works the posterior deltoid muscle, in addition to the lower trapezius, latissimus dorsi and rhomboids.

4. Cable or barbell upright row

The upright row mainly works the deltoid and trapezius muscles and must be done holding a bar and the hands can be positioned closer together or further apart, a little further away from the shoulder line, as advised by the physical education professional.

After holding the bar and positioning your hands, you must pull the bar upwards, towards your chin, then return to the starting position and repeat the movement. As an alternative to the barbell, you can do this exercise on the pulley with a straight bar.

5. Inverted crucifix on the pulley

The inverted crucifix on the pulley mainly works the posterior deltoid muscles, in addition to promoting the strengthening of the trapezius, back and rhomboid muscles.

This exercise should be done by holding the handles of the device one in each hand, pulling them backwards until the arms are open, without straightening them completely. Lower your arms slowly, returning to the starting position.

The amount of weight and number of repetitions must be guided by the physical education professional.