How to Stop Snoring: 8 Easy Tips for a Quieter Sleep

Some ways to stop snoring include raiding the head of the bed, using an anti-snoring pillow, avoiding sleeping on your back and using a nasal strip. These methods promote better air passage through the airways, making breathing easier and preventing snoring.

However, it is important to determine the underlying cause of snoring, as it can be the result of blocked airways from allergies, sinusitis or relaxed throat muscles. Snoring can also occur when using  sleeping pills or consuming alcohol. 

Furthermore, snoring can also be caused by abnormalities in the septum of the nose, which can increase snoring. Therefore it is important to consult an ENT specialist to assess the cause of snoring and recommend the most appropriate treatment before trying these methods. Some patients may even need surgery to correct snoring.

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Ways to stop snoring

Some simple tips to stop snoring include:

1. Elevating the head of the bead

A good way to stop snoring is to raise the head of the bed by ten centimeters. This can be achieved by using a bed support under the mattress or cement blocks, solid wood or old books under the bed frame at the head of the bed. This helps to keep the body on an angle, which can facilitate open airways and easier breathing. 

2. Using an anti-snoring pillow

An anti-snoring pillow promotes a deeper relaxation of the neck and throat muscles. This can keep the airways open and facilitate easier passage of air through the trachea, which helps to stop snoring. These pillows can be purchased in stores that specialize in orthopedic products.

3. Avoiding sleeping on your back

Sleeping on your back can make you more prone to snore more. Lying on your back can cause your tongue to move to the back of the throat, blocking air flow to the lungs and leading to snoring. You should avoid sleeping on your back and opt for sleeping on your side instead, as this allows the neck to stay straight while sleeping, leading to easier airflow through the throat.

4. Using a chin strap

An anti-snoring chin strap is another good option to stop snoring. This band helps to keep the mouth closed, preventing the jaw from relaxing and preventing the airways from being pressed, which leads to increased of snoring. A chin strap promotes better air passage through the airways to prevent snoring. 

5. Using a nasal clip 

The a nasal clip, or nasal dilator, is a device placed on the bridge of the nose. The bridge is made up of a cartilage which is that separates the two nostrils, and increasing the amount of space within the bridge can help facilitate easier, more comfortable breathing to reduce snoring.

This device can be found at pharmacies or medical device stores.

6. Using a nasal strip

A nasal strip is an adhesive tape applied to the upper part of the bridge. It works similar to the clip, in that it opens up the space in the nostrils to promote easier breathing and less snoring. It can also relieve nasal congestion that may be contributing to snoring.
This strip can be purchased at pharmacies or drugstores.

7. Applying nasal sprays

Nasal sprays, such as Nasonex or Sillenzz, moisturize and lubricate the mouth and throat. This can reduce airway vibrations and facilitate better airflow, which helps reduce or stop snoring.

These sprays can also be beneficial for relieving nasal congestion caused by allergies, colds, the flu or sinusitis, all which can cause or increase snoring. These sprays can be purchased over-the-counter in pharmacies.

8. Avoiding taking medication for sleep

Avoiding taking sleeping pills, like alprazolam or diazepam, can help to stop snoring. These medications cause excessive relaxation of the throat, leading to an increased risk for snoring.
To ensure a better night's sleep,  you can drink a calming tea such as chamomile tea or lemon balm tea before bed. These contain soothing, relaxing properties that can promote a peaceful sleep. Learn more about the herbs for insomnia that your can use to prepare a soothing tea. 

Home remedies for snoring

A great home treatment for snoring caused by nasal congestion is by performing a eucalyptus inhalation. This can be prepared by adding 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to 1 liter of boiling water. Be sure to inhale the steam deeply over several minutes to help clear the airways. This can be done before bed to help reduce snoring. 

Another home treatment to relieve nasal congestion and stop snoring is to irrigate your nose with saline. This helps to eliminate secretions that cause a stuffy nose and runny nose.

How to prevent snoring

Some measures help to prevent snoring, such as:

  • Quit smoking, as tobacco use can cause swelling or irritation in the throat that contribute to snoring
  • Avoiding alcohol before bed, as alcohol relaxes the throat muscles and can lead to snoring
  • Avoiding large meals before bed, as they can cause reflux and throat irritation, leading to snoring;
  • Maintain a healthy weight, as excess weight can cause fat accumulation throughout the body, including in the throat, which reduces easy air flow

There are also throat exercises that your doctor can recommend to help maintain adequate musculature in the mouth and throat. These help to prevent flacidity associated with normal aging, which is also a contributor to snoring.