The best way to minimize pores is to keep your skin clean and hydrated. This removed dead skin cells and impurities that tend to accumulate on the skin. Deep cleansing, using moisturizers and exfoliation will help to improve the skin’s appearance, as well as reduce oily skin.
Skin pores can become large due to the accumulation of oil, primarily in the T-zone of the face (the forehead, nose and chin), as well as dead skin cells. Aging is another contributing factor for large pores, as skin loses its elasticity which leads to increased pore size.
Measures used to close the pores can be done at home or by a cosmetic professional. Treatments depend on the type of skin identified.

Tips for large pores
Some tips for minimizing pores and keeping the skin hydrated include:
1. Daily skin cleansing
It is important to maintain clean skin on a daily basis by using face wash and massaging it into your skin. Rub it in for 2 minutes using circular motions and rinse. You should only clean your face up to twice a day to avoid rebound effects from over-cleaning, which can leave the skin more oily.
A great tip for minimizing pores is to wash your skin with cold water before applying makeup. You can also rub an ice cube over your skin to stimulate vasoconstriction, before applying primer and foundation.
2. Exfoliating the skin once per week
A mild exfoliation can remove the outermost layer of skin. This can be done by using an exfoliant product and massaging it into the skin with circular movements for 1 minute, then rinse.
Another option is to apply a thin layer of green clay diluted in water on the skin. Leave it one for 20 minutes, then remove using circular motions on the face to exfoliate the outermost layer. Clay removes excess oil and replaces necessary minerals.
3. Cold and hot compresses
A very effective technique for closing the pores is to use a warm water compress over the face 4 minutes, following by a cold water compress for 2 minutes. This change in temperature helps to improve tissue oxygenation and pore elasticity, which can leave the skin visibly more pleasing. This technique can be done on alternating days for a week or two to obtain visible results.
4. Hydrating the skin
Another important daily measure is to moisturize the skin using creams that are appropriate for your skin type. Oil-free creams and hypoallergenic options are great for oily or sensitive skin. You can also look for creams that contain retinoic acid.
5. Avoiding fatty foods
Large pores may be related to genetics and to fat intake. These can promote the formation of excess sebum by sebaceous glands, which can block pores and lead to pimples and warts.
You should avoid all processed and fried foods, and try to drink plenty of water and tea to keep your skin naturally hydrated from the inside out.
6. Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise for 20 minutes per day, like fast-paced walking and cycling, can help promote sweating. Sweating is beneficial for the skin, as it promotes the elimination of accumulated toxins and clears out the pores, leading to their closing.
Skin treatments
There are some cosmetic treatments that you can use to minimize the appearance of pores. The most common ones include:
1. Deep skin cleansing
Performing a deep skin cleansing in a clinic or skin center at least once a month is essential for keeping the skin clean. This type of cleansing removes all impurities that are not removed with regular exfoliation at home.
It is common for the skin to look irritated and appear worse when performing a deep cleansing for the first time. Skin appearance tends to improve after the first few sessions of a deep skin cleansing.
2. Microdermabrasion
Microdermabrasion is a mechanical, non-invasive exfoliation that uses a small suction vacuum to remove the outermost layer of the skin. This also stimulates collagen production and skin renewal to improve skin appearance and minimize large pores.
3. Chemical peels
Chemical peels are an esthetic treatment that is done by applying acids on the face to remove damaged skin layers. It promotes the growth of a new, smooth layer and can be used to reduce rashes and expression lines.
This type of treatment also reduces skin oil, boosts collagen production, and prevents the appearance of pimples and warts. The results of a chemical peel will depend on the type of peel used (superficial, medium or deep) and the person's skin. Effective results are usually noted in lighter-colored skin.