Recent Articles by Dr. Gonzalo Ramirez

Illustrative image of the article Jaw Pain: 6 Common Causes.& What to Do

Jaw Pain: 6 Common Causes.& What to Do

Updated in 11-25-2022

Jaw pain can be very uncomfortable, and can occur for many reasons, like after direct trauma to the face, an infection or teeth grinding. TMJ disorders affecting the jaw joint can also result in pain. Learn about what causes jaw pain and what you can do to relieve discomfort .

Illustrative image of the article Online IQ Test: Free, Accurate & Scientifically Proven

Online IQ Test: Free, Accurate & Scientifically Proven

Updated in 11-18-2022

This free IQ test evaluates logical thinking and problem-solving capacities in adults and children over 12 years old. Answer all the questions to find out your IQ, plus learn more about how this test works and what can influence your results.

Illustrative image of the article Urine Color Chart: What Clear, Yellow, Green or Red Urine Means

Urine Color Chart: What Clear, Yellow, Green or Red Urine Means

Updated in 11-17-2022

Urine color can change after eating certain foods or taking medication, and most times it is not of clinical concern. However, if you additionally experience symptoms like burning with urination or fever, you should see a doctor. Learn what clear, yellow, green, and other urine colors mean and what you should do.

Illustrative image of the article Sores on Tongue: 5 Common Causes & What to Do

Sores on Tongue: 5 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 11-03-2022

Sores on the tongue can occur for many reasons, like medication use, herpes, thrush and other health conditions. Sores that appear frequently or cause significant discomfort should be assessed by a doctor or dentist. Learn more about what causes sores on the tongue and how to treat them.

Illustrative image of the article Electra Complex: What It Is, How to Identify & Management

Electra Complex: What It Is, How to Identify & Management

Updated in 10-27-2022

An Electra complex is a psychological concept that describes the normal psychosexual development of many girls. It generally resolves on its own overtime without any specific interventions. Learn about how to identify it and when it can be a problem.

Illustrative image of the article Red Spots on Legs: 7 Common Causes & What to Do

Red Spots on Legs: 7 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 10-24-2022

Red spots on the skin can be a sign of a birthmark or an insect bite. However, itchy red spots that spread to the rest of the body may be a fungal infection or keratosis pilaris. Learn more about what causes red spots on the legs, what to do, and when you should see a doctor .

Illustrative image of the article Tonsil Stones: Symptoms, Causes & How to Get Rid of Them

Tonsil Stones: Symptoms, Causes & How to Get Rid of Them

Updated in 10-20-2022

Tonsil stones, also called tonsilloliths, are small white or yellowish masses that can appear in the throat, causing symptoms such as pain when swallowing and bad breath. Learn more about whether you can swallow a tonsil stone, what causes them and how to treat tonsil stones with.

Illustrative image of the article Appendicitis Pain: Location, What It Feels Like & Duration

Appendicitis Pain: Location, What It Feels Like & Duration

Updated in 10-10-2022

Appendicitis pain is felt on the right rside of the abdomen, It is usually strong, constant and accompanied by other symptoms like nausea, fever and loss of appetite. Learn more about appendicitis pain, where it is felt, how long it lasts and what to do.

Illustrative image of the article 11 Depression Symptoms (You Shouldn't Ignore)

11 Depression Symptoms (You Shouldn't Ignore)

Updated in 10-06-2022

Common depression symptoms can include loss of energy, irritability or insomnia and can emerge suddenly or worsen overtime. These can present very mildly but become worse overtime, especially if left untreated. Learn about the 11 main signs and symptoms of depression that you should be aware of.

Illustrative image of the article Why Does My Scalp Hurt: 8 Causes & What to Do

Why Does My Scalp Hurt: 8 Causes & What to Do

Updated in 09-07-2022

Scalp pain can be triggered by many factors that contribute to sensitivity, like infections, infestations, skin issues or hair loss. By treating the underlying cause, scalp pain can usually be resolved. Learn about why your scalp can hurt and what to do in each situation.

Illustrative image of the article How to Cure Depression: Medications, Psychoherapy & More

How to Cure Depression: Medications, Psychoherapy & More

Updated in 08-01-2022

Depression treatment often uses a multi-modal approach that incorporates medication and therapy. Treatment type and duration differs from person to person. There are new and alternative therapies, like electroconvulsive therapy and acupuncture that many may find beneficial. Learn more about how to cure depression.

Illustrative image of the article Coughing Up Blood: 8 Common Causes & What to Do

Coughing Up Blood: 8 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 07-18-2022

Coughing up some blood is not too significant, as it can occur due to mild situations like a small scratch in your nose or throat. However copious amounts may be a sign of a more serious illness, like pneumonia or tuberculosis. Learn about what can cause blood when coughing and what to do.

Illustrative image of the article Groin Lump: 7 Common Causes & What to Do

Groin Lump: 7 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 05-09-2022

A lump in the groin can be related to an inguinal hérnia, a viral or bacterial infection, or in more serious cases, cancer. It may cause pain, discomfort, redness in the area or fever. See what causes groin lumps and what you can do to treat it.

Illustrative image of the article Burning Tongue: 5 Common Causes & How to Treat

Burning Tongue: 5 Common Causes & How to Treat

Updated in 05-05-2022

A burning tongue is a relatively common symptoms, especially after consuming a hot food or drink. However, it can also be a sign of a health problem. Learn about the main causes of a burning tongue and how to treat it.

Illustrative image of the article How To Break a Fever: Medication & Home Remedies

How To Break a Fever: Medication & Home Remedies

Updated in 04-22-2022

When a fever is not high, the use of home remedies, such as having a warm bath or having a white willow bark tea, may be helpful. However, in some situations, medication is also needed. Learn when to use natural options and when to use medication.