Curved Penis: Is It Normal? Causes, Treatment & When to See a Doctor

A curved penis is characterized by a mild bending of this sexual organ when erect. In most cases, the curve is minimal and does not pose any problems or discomfort. It is considered to be a normal finding. 

However, some men may notice a more distinct curve to one one particular side, which may cause pain during erection or dissatisfaction during sex. When this occurs, it may be a sign of Peyronie’s disease, which is characterized by the growth of hard plaques within the shaft, causing it to curve. 

If you find that the curve in your penis is very significant, or if you experience discomfort (especially during sex), it is important to consult a urologist to rule out Peyronie‘s disease and start treatment as necessary.

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When a curved penis is not normal 

Although having a slightly curved penis is a normal finding in most men, there are cases in which a curve may not be considered normal. You should see a uroloigst if you notice any of the following: 

  • A curve angle over 30º
  • A curve what worsens over time
  • Pain or discomfort during erection 

The urologist can confirm or rule out Peyronie’s disease through a physical assessment and evaluation of the presenting symptoms. He or she may order further testing, like an x-ray or ultrasound. 

A curved penis can also occur following direct trauma to the area, such as after more violent sexual activity. In these cases, the curve is noted very suddenly and is accompanied by intense pain. 

What is Peyronie’s idsease

Peyronie’s disease is a condition that affects some men and is characterized by the development of small, fibrous plaques along the inside of the shaft. This impedes a straight erection, leading to a very exaggerated bend during erection.

Although the exact cause of this condition is not known, it may be related to micro-traumas that occur during sex or high impact sports. 

Treatment options

In most cases, a curved penis does affect activities of daily living, cause symptoms or impede sex, and therefore it does not require any treatment. If the curve is very significant, causes discomfort, or is related to Peyronie’s disease ,the urologist may prescribe treatment like injections or surgery. 

Corticosteroid injections are normally prescribed for men with Peyronie’s disease. They help to breakdown the fibrotic plaques and reduce local inflammation, which help to prevent curving during erections. 

In more severe cases, when the curve is intense and does not improve with injections, the doctor may prescribe surgery to remove fibrotic plaques to correct the curves and improve erections.