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Illustrative image of the article How to Tan: 8 Tips for a Fast & Long-Lasting Tan

How to Tan: 8 Tips for a Fast & Long-Lasting Tan

Updated in 12-21-2023

To tan faster, you should use sunscreen, eat a diet rich in beta-carotenes and moisturize your skin very well every day, as well as taking short breaks from the sun to avoid burns and ensure a natural, healthy tan. See other tips for a quick and perfect tan.

Illustrative image of the article Is Corn Good For You? 9 Health Benefits (w/ Recipes)

Is Corn Good For You? 9 Health Benefits (w/ Recipes)

Updated in 12-21-2023

Corn can be good for your as it boasts many health benefits, such as protecting your eyesight, improving your intestinal health, helping you lose weight and strengthening your immune system, as it is rich in fiber and antioxidants. Check out all the benefits of corn and how to consume it using your healthy recipes.

Illustrative image of the article Foot Pain Relief: 7 Natural Ways to Alleviate Discomfort

Foot Pain Relief: 7 Natural Ways to Alleviate Discomfort

Updated in 12-21-2023

Algumas formas naturais para aliviar a dor nos pés são fazer um escalda pés, massagear os pés ou aplicar compressas frias, pois ajudam a relaxar os músculos, melhorar a circulação sanguínea e reduzir a inflamação. Confira outras estratégias simples e naturais para aliviar a dor nos pés sem sair de casa.

Illustrative image of the article Cinnamon Tea: 8 Health Benefits: How to Make & Side Effects

Cinnamon Tea: 8 Health Benefits: How to Make & Side Effects

Updated in 12-21-2023

Cinnamon tea has antioxidant, thermogenic and bactericidal properties which can promote weight loss, prevent premature ageing and fight tooth decay and gingivitis. Learn all about the health benefits of cinnamon, how to prepare it, and the side effects associated with use.

Illustrative image of the article Are Almonds Good For You? 10 Health Benefits & Nutritional Info

Are Almonds Good For You? 10 Health Benefits & Nutritional Info

Updated in 12-21-2023

Almonds are good for yor because they are rich in fiber and antioxidants. They can help to keep blood sugar levels normal and prevent diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Learn more about the health benefits of almonds and how to incorporate them into your diet.

Illustrative image of the article Renal Diet: 3-Day Meal Plan & What to Eat

Renal Diet: 3-Day Meal Plan & What to Eat

Updated in 12-21-2023

For a renal diet, it's important to control your intake of protein, sodium, potassium and liquids, because an excess of these foods can overload the kidneys, causing symptoms such as painful urination, tiredness or back pain. Check-out our sample meal plan and what to eat and avoid.

Illustrative image of the article Licorice: 8 Health Benefits & How to Take (Tea & Capsules)

Licorice: 8 Health Benefits & How to Take (Tea & Capsules)

Updated in 12-21-2023

Licorice is a medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times to treat stomach problems, inflammation and respiratory diseases. However, misuse of this plant can also cause a number of dangerous side effects. Learn more about its health benefits, possible effects and how to take it correctly.

Illustrative image of the article Asthma Inhalers: Types & How to Use (Adults, Children & Babies)

Asthma Inhalers: Types & How to Use (Adults, Children & Babies)

Updated in 12-21-2023

Asthma inhalers are indicated for the treatment and management of asthma and should be used as prescribed by a doctor. See the step-by-step instructions for using an inhaler, for adults, children and babies. Be sure to also check-out the most frequently asked questions about using asthma inhalers.

Illustrative image of the article Guar Gum: Health Benefits, How to Take & Side Effects

Guar Gum: Health Benefits, How to Take & Side Effects

Updated in 12-21-2023

Guar gum is a type of fiber that hydrates the stool to promote bowel movements, making it a great option for constipation. It can also reduces hunger and the desire to eat, making it a great option for weight loss diets. Learn about all the health benefits of guar gum, how to take it and its possible side effects.

Illustrative image of the article Crohn's Disease Diet: What to Eat & Avoid (with Meal Plan)

Crohn's Disease Diet: What to Eat & Avoid (with Meal Plan)

Updated in 12-21-2023

A Crohn's disease diet is aimed at reducing intestinal irritation and relieving symptoms to improve quality of life. Foods that should be included in the diet should include rice, purees, lean meats, boiled eggs and cooked and peeled fruits and vegetables. Learn more about what to eat and foods to avoid.

Illustrative image of the article Signs of an Allergic Cough (plus Diagnosis, Causes & Treatment)

Signs of an Allergic Cough (plus Diagnosis, Causes & Treatment)

Updated in 12-21-2023

Signs of an allergic cough include a dry, persistent cough that appears when your come into contact with an triggering substance, such as dust, cat hair, or pollen, for example. Learn more about other symptoms of an allergic cough, how it i.

Illustrative image of the article Sore Throat: Top 7 Causes (& What to Do)

Sore Throat: Top 7 Causes (& What to Do)

Updated in 12-21-2023

A sore throat can be caused by a cold or flu, air pollution or an allergic reaction, for example. They can present with other symptoms, such as a headache, body aches or a fever. Here are some other causes of sore throats and what to do to .

Illustrative image of the article Glucomannan: 6 Health Benefits, How to Take & Side Effects

Glucomannan: 6 Health Benefits, How to Take & Side Effects

Updated in 12-21-2023

Glucomannan, ou glucomanano, é uma fibra vegetal que inibe o apetite de forma natural e hidrata as fezes, ajudando no emagrecimento e no combate à prisão de ventre. Além disso, essa fibra também regula os níveis de colesterol e trigliceríde.

Illustrative image of the article Tonsillitis Treatment: 7 Main Options (& 5 Home Remedies)

Tonsillitis Treatment: 7 Main Options (& 5 Home Remedies)

Updated in 12-21-2023

Tonsillitis treatment depends on the underlying cause cause, as tonsillitis can be bacterial or viral. The doctor may recommend medication such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or amoxicillin, as well as rest and hydration. See all the treatment.

Illustrative image of the article 11 Guava Benefits for Your Health (with Daily Dose & Recipes)

11 Guava Benefits for Your Health (with Daily Dose & Recipes)

Updated in 12-21-2023

Guava is a fruit with excellent nutritional value and medicinal properties, due to its vitamin C, A and B content and minerals. IT can help control blood pressure, manage cholesterol levels and promote weight loss. Check out the other benef.

Illustrative image of the article Are Bananas Good For You? 12 Health Benefits & Nutritional Info

Are Bananas Good For You? 12 Health Benefits & Nutritional Info

Updated in 12-21-2023

A banana é uma fruta tropical que pode trazer vários benefícios para a saúde como diminuir o apetite, regular o intestino e melhorar o humor. Veja os principais benefícios da banana para a saúde, como comer banana sem engordar e confira alg.

Illustrative image of the article 10 Brazil Nut Benefits For Your Health (& Nutritional Info)

10 Brazil Nut Benefits For Your Health (& Nutritional Info)

Updated in 12-21-2023

Brazil nuts have health benefits such as preventing atherosclerosis, cancer and thrombosis, as well as helping to reduce high blood pressure. Learn about other health benefits of Brazil nuts, the nutritional info in them and how to consume .

Illustrative image of the article Skin Discoloration: 8 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Skin Discoloration: 8 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Updated in 12-21-2023

Skin discoloration can be related to several factors such as sun exposure, hormonal changes or natural aging. Learn more about how to recognize the different causes of skin discoloration that cause dark spots on the skin, and what to do to treat it.

Illustrative image of the article 5 Allergic Rhinitis Medications Your Doctor Can Prescribe

5 Allergic Rhinitis Medications Your Doctor Can Prescribe

Updated in 12-21-2023

Allergic rhinitis medications, such as antihistamines or corticosteroids, can be used in the form of tablets, syrup or nasal spray to help relieve constant sneezing and runny nose. Check out the most commonly prescribed medications for allergic rhinitis, as well as home remedies you can take to complement treatment.

Illustrative image of the article GERD Medications: 7 Prescription Options to Relieve Reflux

GERD Medications: 7 Prescription Options to Relieve Reflux

Updated in 12-21-2023

GERD medications, such as omeprazole, cimetidine or cisapride, work by reducing the acidity of the stomach to help relieve symptoms like heartburn. These are typically prescribed by a doctor and taken as directed. Learn about the different .