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Illustrative image of the article Back Workout: Top 12 Exercises For a Strong Back

Back Workout: Top 12 Exercises For a Strong Back

Updated in 01-29-2024

A back workout can help to strengthen and tone the back muscles. There are specific exercises that work certain muscles in the back, which is why your exercises should be monitored by a personal trainer. Learn about the top 12 back exercises you can use to define your upper, mid and lower back.

Illustrative image of the article AST/ALT Blood Test: What Is It For and Normal Levels

AST/ALT Blood Test: What Is It For and Normal Levels

Updated in 01-29-2024

AST and ALT, also known as transaminases, are two hepatic enzymes that are usually measured in the blood to assess liver health and functioning. Get to know what can alter the AST and ALT blood levels .

Illustrative image of the article Is Mustard Good For You: 6 Health Benefits & How to Use

Is Mustard Good For You: 6 Health Benefits & How to Use

Updated in 01-29-2024

Mustard is a plant with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action that can offer several health benefits, such as preventing premature aging, strengthening the immune system and preventing diseases such as heart attack and atherosclerosis. Learn about why mustard is good for you, and how to consume it.

Illustrative image of the article Yellow Eyes: 9 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Yellow Eyes: 9 Common Causes (& What to Do)

Updated in 01-29-2024

Yellow eyes are usually a sign of a liver, gallbladder or pancreas condition, such as hepatitis, pancreatitis or gallstones. It can also be noted in newborns. Check-out what yellow eyes mean, what causes them, and what to do to treat this symptom.

Illustrative image of the article Polyps in Colon: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes & Treatment

Polyps in Colon: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes & Treatment

Updated in 01-27-2024

Polyps in the colon are associated with excessive growth of the cells that line the intestines. They can occur due to poor eating and lifestyle habits.. Learn more about what a polyp in the colon is, what symptoms it can cause and how it is diagnosed and treated.

Illustrative image of the article 11 Signs of Breast Cancer in Men & Women (with Symptom Checker)

11 Signs of Breast Cancer in Men & Women (with Symptom Checker)

Updated in 01-26-2024

Signs of breast cancer include a lump in the breast, increased breast sensitivity or pain, or changes in the shape of the breast. Check-out the other signs or symptoms that can occur in men or women, and complete our online symptom checker to determine your risk for breast cancer.

Illustrative image of the article 5 Exercises to Induce Labor (plus Other Tips)

5 Exercises to Induce Labor (plus Other Tips)

Updated in 01-26-2024

Some exercises to induce labor, such as walking or stretching your pelvis on the ball, can help stimulate labor. These help to stretch the hips to facilitate the baby's passage into the hips, as well as dilate and improve blood flow to the pelvis. Check-out which exercises can induce labor and other tips you can use.

Illustrative image of the article Menstrual Cup: How to Use, Clean, Remove & More

Menstrual Cup: How to Use, Clean, Remove & More

Updated in 01-25-2024

A menstrual cup is easy to place and can be used for up to 8 consecutive hours. It is the most comfortable, economic and environmentally-friendly option compared to pads and tampons. Learn more about menstrual cups, how to pick one, and how they are used and cleaned.

Illustrative image of the article Black Stools: 10 Common Causes & What to Do

Black Stools: 10 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 01-25-2024

Dark or black stool usually occurs when there is digested blood mixed in the feces. It is often a sign of bleeding at the beginning of the digestive tract, near the esophagus or stomach. Learn more about what causes black poop and what to d.

Illustrative image of the article Red Urine: 11 Common Causes & What to Do

Red Urine: 11 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 01-25-2024

Red or pink urine is usually a sign of blood in the urine, however there are other reasons why it can happen. Certain foods or medications can also give urine a red color. Read more about why urine can turn red and when you should see a doc.

Illustrative image of the article ALT Blood Test: Normal Range & What High Levels Mean

ALT Blood Test: Normal Range & What High Levels Mean

Updated in 01-24-2024

An ALT blood test, also known as a TGP exam, is ordered to assess liver function. When ALT is high, it can be a sign of inflammation, hepatitis or cirrhosis. See what the result of the ALT blood test may indicate and what to do if it is abnormal.

Illustrative image of the article Period Cramp Relief: 10 Natural Tips

Period Cramp Relief: 10 Natural Tips

Updated in 01-24-2024

Period cramps can be very uncomfortable, and there are ways to relieve pain at home. You can try applying heat to the abdomen, drinking ginger and valerian tea, and avoiding caffeine or alcohol. Check out all of our tips for period cramp relief and learn when you should see a doctor.

Illustrative image of the article Gas During Pregnancy: Symptoms & 12 Ways to Treat It

Gas During Pregnancy: Symptoms & 12 Ways to Treat It

Updated in 01-24-2024

Gas during pregnancy is completely normal and does not harm the baby, although it can cause moderate abdominal pain and discomfort. Learn more about the symptoms of gas during pregnancy 12 ways you can treat it.

Illustrative image of the article Lithium Medication: Uses, How to Take & Side Effects

Lithium Medication: Uses, How to Take & Side Effects

Updated in 01-24-2024

Lithium, or lithium carbonate, is a medication indicated for the treatment of depression or manic episodes in bipolar disorder. Learn more about what lithium is used for, how to take it, and the possible side effects associated with use.

Illustrative image of the article Constant Heartburn: Top 10 Causes & What to Do

Constant Heartburn: Top 10 Causes & What to Do

Updated in 01-24-2024

Constant heartburn can be caused by conditions such as GERD, gastritis or poor diet. However, you should see doctor for assessment to confirm the underlying cause and start treatment as required. Learn about what causes constant heartburn and how to treat it.

Illustrative image of the article 12 Best Tricep Exercises; Home & Gym Exercises (w/ Cooldown)

12 Best Tricep Exercises; Home & Gym Exercises (w/ Cooldown)

Updated in 01-23-2024

The best tricep exercises, like dips, extensions and kickbacks, can be done at home to achieve different goals. Check-out our tricep workout as recommended by our in-house personal trainer, as well as the cooldown stretches you should comp.

Illustrative image of the article 12 Foods That Cause Gas (plus How to Get Rid of It)

12 Foods That Cause Gas (plus How to Get Rid of It)

Updated in 01-23-2024

Excessive gas, or flatulence, can be caused by foods with high amounts of fiber and carbohydrates like beans and cabbage. These foods tend to ferment for longer periods in the intestine. See what other gassy foods you should avoid of food you should avoid to help you get rid of bloating.

Illustrative image of the article How Many Eggs Can You Eat a Day? (& How to Make Them)

How Many Eggs Can You Eat a Day? (& How to Make Them)

Updated in 01-23-2024

You can eat up to two eggs every day to obtain all of its health benefits, like promoting muscle mass gain, boosting immunity, and aiding in weight loss. However, in some cases, egg consumption should be limited. Learn more about how many eggs you can eat every day and how to prepare them in the healthiest way.

Illustrative image of the article 8 Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss: Salads, Soups & Juices

8 Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss: Salads, Soups & Juices

Updated in 01-23-2024

Healthy recipes for weight loss can help to keep you on track to achieve your health goals. You can incorporate these salads, soups and juices into your daily diet, as they are naturally rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Check-out our healthy recipes to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Illustrative image of the article 8 Liver Detox Foods (to Cleanse Your Liver & Reduce Inflammation)

8 Liver Detox Foods (to Cleanse Your Liver & Reduce Inflammation)

Updated in 01-23-2024

Liver detox foods, such as broccoli and green tea, help the body to eliminate fats and toxins that may contribute to inflammation in the body and cause disease. Here's a list of the best foods to eat to detox your liver and maintain optimal liver functioning.