Recent Articles by Marcela Lemos

Illustrative image of the article High Platelet Count: Causes, Normal Levels & Treatment

High Platelet Count: Causes, Normal Levels & Treatment

Updated in 01-12-2024

A high platelet count can occur with exerce cising or after labor, and in these cases, high levels are expected. However, certain health conditions can also cause platelets to be high, like iron deficiency or some cancers. Learn more about what causes high platelets, what normal levels should be and how it is treated.

Illustrative image of the article Prothrombin Time (PT): What Is It, Reference Range & Results

Prothrombin Time (PT): What Is It, Reference Range & Results

Updated in 01-08-2024

Prothrombin time is a test that evaluates the blood’s ability to clot and stop active bleeding. Normal levels are usually between 10 to 14 s in a healthy individual, but this can vary with medication use and other health conditions. Read more about what causes a high PT or low PT .

Illustrative image of the article Luteinizing Hormone (LH): Uses, Normal Levels & What Results Mean

Luteinizing Hormone (LH): Uses, Normal Levels & What Results Mean

Updated in 12-29-2023

Luteinizing hormone (LH) is produced by the pituitary gland and plays a fundamental role in female and male fertility. Learn more about what luteinizing hormone is, what it is for, normal levels and why it may be high or low.

Illustrative image of the article AST Blood Test: Normal Levels (& What High Levels Means)

AST Blood Test: Normal Levels (& What High Levels Means)

Updated in 12-21-2023

The AST blood test, also known as the TGO test, is requested to assess liver function. High AST levels can indicate pancreatitis, hepatitis and cirrhosis, for example. Learn how to understand the TGO-AST test.

Illustrative image of the article Homocysteine: What Test Results Mean (High & Low Levels)

Homocysteine: What Test Results Mean (High & Low Levels)

Updated in 12-21-2023

Homocysteine is an amino acid that is found in food like red meat and seafood. High levels of homocysteine are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Learn more about when this test is ordered, and what high or low levels mean.

Illustrative image of the article Testosterone Test: Free & Total (What Normal Levels Are)

Testosterone Test: Free & Total (What Normal Levels Are)

Updated in 12-21-2023

Testosterone tests (which include total testosterone and free testosterone) are often ordered to assess conditions in both men and women, including menstrual cycle changes, early-onset puberty, erectile dysfunction or infertility. Learn more about the difference between free and total testosterone and the normal levels.

Illustrative image of the article D-Dimer Test: Why It's Order & Why High Levels Mean

D-Dimer Test: Why It's Order & Why High Levels Mean

Updated in 12-21-2023

D-dimer is a by-product of fibrin breakdown. Fibrin is a protein that is involved in the coagulation process, and both fibrin and D-dimer can increase with inflammation in the body, thrombosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Learn more about D-dimer, why it is ordered, and what high levels mean.

Illustrative image of the article Nail Fungus: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Nail Fungus: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Updated in 12-20-2023

Nail fungus, or onychomicosis, is usually the result of a fungal infection that causes the nail to become yellow, deformed and thick. It should be treated with anti fungal polish or ointments prescribed by a dermatologist. Learn more about nail fungus, the symptoms is causes and the treatment options available .

Illustrative image of the article Ureaplasma: Symptoms, Transmission & Treatment

Ureaplasma: Symptoms, Transmission & Treatment

Updated in 12-19-2023

Ureaplasma is an infection caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum bacteria, that is naturally in the urinary and genital tract. This bacteria can can increase in number due to low immunity. Symptoms of infections include inflammation of the ureth.

Illustrative image of the article MCV Blood Test: Normal Levels, High or Low MCV & Anemia

MCV Blood Test: Normal Levels, High or Low MCV & Anemia

Updated in 12-18-2023

The MCV or mean corpuscular volume refers to the size of the red blood cells. It is usually a part of the complete blood count. Learn about what the normal level is, what high or low levels mean, and how it is used to diagnose anemia.

Illustrative image of the article HOMA-IR & HOMA-BETA: Normal Levels & What Results Mean

HOMA-IR & HOMA-BETA: Normal Levels & What Results Mean

Updated in 12-15-2023

The HOMA-IR and HOMA-BETA tests are used to assess insulin resistance and pancreas functioning. They can be beneficial for determining a diabetes diagnosis or assessing a risk for other conditions, like cardiovascular disease or metabolic syndrome. Learn more about what normal levels and what high or low levels mean.

Illustrative image of the article Albumin Blood Test: High and Low Levels (& What Results Mean)

Albumin Blood Test: High and Low Levels (& What Results Mean)

Updated in 12-15-2023

The albumin blood test is usually ordered by the doctor to investigate for possible kidney or liver problems. It can also help to assess general nutritional status. Learn more about what high and low levels mean, why this test is ordered and what normal levels are.

Illustrative image of the article Troponin: Normal Levels, What Results Mean & Uses

Troponin: Normal Levels, What Results Mean & Uses

Updated in 12-15-2023

Troponin is a type of protein that is released into the blood when there is damage to the heart. The troponin test is often used to confirm a possible heart attack, alongside other heart tests. Learn more about what a normal troponin level .

Illustrative image of the article Eosinophils: Reference Ranges (& What High or Low Levels Mean)

Eosinophils: Reference Ranges (& What High or Low Levels Mean)

Updated in 12-15-2023

Eosinophils are a type of defense cell in the blood that can increase due to allergies, infections, medications or inflammatory diseases. Results should always be interpreted by the ordering physician to determine an underlying cause. Learn.

Illustrative image of the article Estradiol Test: Uses, Preparation & Reference Ranges

Estradiol Test: Uses, Preparation & Reference Ranges

Updated in 12-15-2023

An estradiol test looks at the levels of this hormone circulating in the blood. It is used to evaluate the functioning of ovaries in women, and the testes in men, especially in cases of infertility. Learn more about what this test is used for and what high or low levels mean.