Recent Articles by Dr. Clarisse Bezerra

Illustrative image of the article Pain Below Belly Button: 7 Common Causes & What to Do

Pain Below Belly Button: 7 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 06-29-2023

Pain below the belly button can occur as a result of health conditions like a UTI, ovarian cyst, period cramps or IBS. Due to the diverse possible causes, it is important to see a doctor to assess your abdominal pain, especially if you have.

Illustrative image of the article Bright Red Blood in Stool: 6 Top Causes & How to Treat

Bright Red Blood in Stool: 6 Top Causes & How to Treat

Updated in 06-27-2023

A presença de sangue vermelho vivo nas fezes pode ser sinal de problemas leves, como hemorroidas e fissuras anais, ou ser indicativo de problemas mais graves como câncer de intestino e doença de Crohn, por exemplo. Conheça outras causas de .

Illustrative image of the article Chronic Diarrhea: 8 Causes, Treatment & What to Eat

Chronic Diarrhea: 8 Causes, Treatment & What to Eat

Updated in 06-20-2023

Chronic diarrhea can be caused by food intolerances or allergies, infections, genetic illnesses or bowel inflammation. Learn about what causes chronic diarrhea, how to treat it, and what to eat .

Illustrative image of the article Fishy-Smelling Urine: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Fishy-Smelling Urine: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Updated in 06-20-2023

Urine that smells like fish is generally a sign of trimethylaminuria, a condition in which the body is unable to breakdown trimethylamine from the diet or medications. This odor can be noted in the urine, sweat and breath. Learn more about .

Illustrative image of the article Ear Pain: 12 Common Causes & When to See a Doctor

Ear Pain: 12 Common Causes & When to See a Doctor

Updated in 06-20-2023

Ear pain can occur due to an ear infection, an eardrum rupture or because of water trapped in the ear. Find out other common causes of ear pain and what to do in each situation, as well as how ear pain can present in babies. Also see when y.

Illustrative image of the article Pain at Top of Head: 5 Common Causes & What to Do

Pain at Top of Head: 5 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 06-15-2023

Pain at the top of the head is usually a sign of muscle tension or fatigue. However, if it is frequent or accompanied by other symptoms, it can be a sign of a headache or hypertensive crisis, which require assessment. Learn more about what .

Illustrative image of the article Body Tremors: 8 Causes & When to See a Doctor

Body Tremors: 8 Causes & When to See a Doctor

Updated in 06-12-2023

A causa mais comum de tremor no corpo é o frio, no entanto existem outras causas para o aparecimento do tremor, como ansiedade ou consumo de bebidas energéticas, assim como doenças como Parkinson. Veja as principais causas para o tremor no .

Illustrative image of the article Red Face: 10 Common Causes & What to Do

Red Face: 10 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 05-30-2023

A red face may occur due to intense exercise or sun exposure, however it may also be a sign of a health condition, like lupus, rosacea or fifth disease. Learn more about what causes a red face and what to do to treat it.

Illustrative image of the article Sharp Abdominal Pain: 7 Common Causes & What to Do

Sharp Abdominal Pain: 7 Common Causes & What to Do

Updated in 05-26-2023

Sharp abdominal pain may appear due to intestinal gas or constipation. However, IBS, gallbladder stones or a UTI can also trigger sharp abdominal pain. Learn more about what can cause it, how to treat it and when to see a doctor .

Illustrative image of the article Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Urine: 5 Causes (& Treatment)

Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Urine: 5 Causes (& Treatment)

Updated in 05-25-2023

Crystal oxalate crystals in the urine are often a consequence of diet changed or reduced fluid intake. However, if the patient presents with other symptoms or abnormalities in the urine, it may be a sign of another condition, like kidney stones. Learn more about what causes crystal oxalate crystals in the urine.

Illustrative image of the article 7 Signs of Leukemia (w/ Online Symptom Checker)

7 Signs of Leukemia (w/ Online Symptom Checker)

Updated in 05-22-2023

The first signs of leukemia are usually excessive fatigue and swollen lymph nodes on the neck and groin. Check out a list of the most common signs of leukemia and complete our online symptom checker to assess your risk for leukemia. Be sure to also read how this condition is diagnosed and treated.

Illustrative image of the article What Causes Canker Sores? 7 Reasons They Keep Appearing

What Causes Canker Sores? 7 Reasons They Keep Appearing

Updated in 05-15-2023

A canker sore is small lesion that can occur on the mouth, throat or tongue. It is not very clear what causes canker sores, however, some conditions can promote them to appear. Learn more about the main causes of canker sores, what to do, and how to get rid of them with home remedies.

Illustrative image of the article Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms: 6 Main Signs & What to Do

Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms: 6 Main Signs & What to Do

Updated in 05-04-2023

Parkinson’s disease symptoms, like tremors, rigidity, and slow movements, generally start subtle and may not always be caught in initial phases of the disease. Learn more about the symptoms of Parkinson’s as well as what to do if you suspec.

Illustrative image of the article Dyshidrosis: Symptoms, Treatment & Possible Causes

Dyshidrosis: Symptoms, Treatment & Possible Causes

Updated in 05-02-2023

Dyshidrosis is a skin condition that causes small, fluid-filled blisters to appear on the hands, fingers and feet. These blisters cause itching and are sometimes associated with dyshidrotic eczema. Learn about what dyshidrosis is, what causes it, and the symptoms and treatments associated with this condition.

Illustrative image of the article Eye Twitching: 7 Common Causes & When to See a Doctor

Eye Twitching: 7 Common Causes & When to See a Doctor

Updated in 04-27-2023

Eye twitching usually occurs due to fatigue and excess stress. However, it can also be a symptom of vision problems and allergies. Learn more about why eyes twitch. how to stop it and when to see a doctor.